Does “optional” in a resource in the provisioning stage make sense for attributes that the end user does not choose? The provision step in the workflow is used to create the ID and call whatever management system to provision the actual product. Does "optional" just mean that in the final subscription the parameter can be left empty by the user?
How to enforce that each TrunkConfig has exactly 2 TrunkConfigSide? n the workflow, in the selector of the parent product block, in Choice you can specify min_items and max_items. But in my case hierarchy is in the opposite direction (I can select multiple trunk_config from trunk_config_side but not the other way around). So it seems this can't be enforced by WFO?
How hierarchy should be (TrunkConfig contains product block reference to Trunk like it is now, or the opposite)? As it’s now, you make a Trunk first, and in TrunkConfig input you select a Trunk. Then in TrunkConfigCommon and TrunkConfigSide input you select a TrunkConfig.
### Workflows
- Create / Modify? / Terminate for:
- Trunk
- TrunkConfig
- TrunkConfigCommon
- TrunkConfigSide
### Workflow doubts
In the example tutorial, _provision_in_group_management_system, a hash is created from something like the user_name and that builds the user_id. Does this mean that user_name is unique? How is this enforced?
Can you select which resource types are “fixed” in the modify workflow once the subscription of a trunk service is Active?
If I update the python code of a workflow but its name and associated product stays the same, do I have to do anything to reflect its update (e.g. delete the workflow in a migration then add it again, or just add it again, or do nothing)?
I have a workflow called “create_trunk”, which is a workflow of the product type called “Trunk”.
I get this error when trying to “Create new process / subscription” in the GUI after registering the workflows, and also by doing a POST to
``INFO: - "POST /api/processes/create_trunk HTTP/1.1" 404 Not Found``
Is process the same as subscription? If not, what’s the endpoint/way to create a subscription from a workflow?