"tt_number": "Insert the Ticket number that covers this activity",
"confirm_info": "Please verify this form looks correct.",
"site_country": "Site Country Name",
"site_bgp_community_id": "Site BGP Community ID",
"site_internal_id": "Site Internal ID",
"site_tier": "Site Tier",
"site_ts_address": "Site Terminal Server Address",
"hostname": "Hostname of the new router, only the part that comes before the first period",
"ts_address": "IP address of the terminal server",
"ts_port": "Port number of the terminal server",
"router_role": "Router role",
"geant_s_sid": "GÉANT S-SID",
"iptrunk_description": "IPtrunk description",
"iptrunk_type": "IPtrunk type",
"iptrunk_speed": "Capacity per port (in Gbits/s)",
"iptrunk_minimum_links": "Minimum amount of links",
"side_a_ae_iface": "LAG interface name",
"side_a_ae_geant_a_sid": "GÉANT A-SID",
"side_a_ae_members": "Aggregated Ethernet member interfaces",
"side_b_ae_iface": "LAG interface name",
"side_b_ae_geant_a_sid": "GÉANT A-SID",
"side_b_ae_members": "Aggregated Ethernet member interfaces",
"migrate_to_different_site": "Migrating to a different Site",
"remove_configuration": "Remove configuration from the router",
"clean_up_ipam": "Clean up related entries in IPAM",
"restore_isis_metric": "Restore ISIS metric to original value"

Simone Spinelli
"workflow": {
"activate_iptrunk": "Activate IP Trunk",
"activate_router": "Activate router",
"cancel_subscription": "Cancel subscription",
"confirm_info": "Please verify this form looks correct.",
"migrate_iptrunk": "Migrate IP Trunk",
"modify_isis_metric": "Modify the ISIS metric",
"modify_trunk_interface": "Modify IP Trunk interface",
"redeploy_base_config": "Redeploy base config",
"update_ibgp_mesh": "Update iBGP mesh"