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import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
import ipaddress
from pydantic import BaseSettings
from typing import Union
import random

from gso import settings

class V4ServiceNetwork(BaseSettings):
    v4: ipaddress.IPv4Network

class V6ServiceNetwork(BaseSettings):
    v6: ipaddress.IPv6Network

class ServiceNetworks(BaseSettings):
    v4: ipaddress.IPv4Network
    v6: ipaddress.IPv6Network

class V4HostAddress(BaseSettings):
    v4: ipaddress.IPv4Address

class V6HostAddress(BaseSettings):

class HostAddresses(BaseSettings):
    v4: ipaddress.IPv4Address
    v6: ipaddress.IPv6Address

# TODO: remove this!
# lab infoblox cert is not valid for the ipv4 address
#   ... disable warnings for now

def _wapi(infoblox_params: settings.InfoBloxParams):
    return (f'https://{}'

def _ip_addr_version(addr):
    ip_version = None
    ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
    if isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
        ip_version = 4
    elif isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv6Address):
        ip_version = 6
    assert ip_version in [4, 6]
    return ip_version

def _ip_network_version(network):
    ip_version = None
    ip_network = ipaddress.ip_network(network)
    if isinstance(ip_network, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
        ip_version = 4
    elif isinstance(ip_network, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
        ip_version = 6
    assert ip_version in [4, 6]
    return ip_version

def _find_networks(network_container=None, network=None, ip_version=4):
    If network_container is not None, find all networks within the specified container.
    Otherwise if network is not None, find the specified network.
    Otherwise find all networks.
    assert ip_version in [4, 6]
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    endpoint = 'network' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6network'
    params = None
    if network_container:
        params={'network_container': network_container}
    elif network:
        params={'network': network}
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    # TODO: propagate "network not found" error to caller
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    return r.json()

def _get_network_capacity(network=None):
    Get utilization of a IPv4 network in a fraction of 1000.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX

    ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)
    assert ip_version == 4, "Utilization is only available for IPv4 networks."
    params={'network': network, '_return_fields': 'network,total_hosts,utilization'}

    r = requests.get(
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    # Utilization info takes several minutes to converge. The IPAM utilization bar in the GUI as well. Why?
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    capacity_info = r.json()
    assert len(capacity_info) == 1, "Requested IPv4 network doesn't exist."
    assert 'utilization' in capacity_info[0]
    utilization = capacity_info[0]['utilization']
    return utilization

def _allocate_network(infoblox_params: settings.InfoBloxParams, network_params: Union[settings.V4NetworkParams, settings.V6NetworkParams], ip_version=4) -> Union[V4ServiceNetwork, V6ServiceNetwork]:
    assert ip_version in [4, 6]
    endpoint = 'network' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6network'
    ipv4_req_payload = {
        "network": {
            "_object_function": "next_available_network",
            "_parameters": {
                "cidr": network_params.mask
            "_object": "networkcontainer",
            "_object_parameters": {
                "network": str(network_params.container)
            "_result_field": "networks", # only return in the response the allocated network, not all available

    ipv6_req_payload = {
        "network": {
            "_object_function": "next_available_network",
            "_parameters": {
                "cidr": network_params.mask
            "_object": "ipv6networkcontainer",
            "_object_parameters": {
                "network": str(network_params.container)
            "_result_field": "networks", # only return in the response the allocated network, not all available
    req_payload = ipv4_req_payload if ip_version == 4 else ipv6_req_payload
        params={'_return_fields': 'network'},
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
        headers={'content-type': "application/json"},
    # TODO: handle no more available space for networks in the container
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"

    assert 'network' in r.json()
    allocated_network = r.json()['network']
    if ip_version==4:
        return V4ServiceNetwork(v4=allocated_network)
        return V6ServiceNetwork(v6=allocated_network)

def allocate_service_ipv4_network(service_type) -> V4ServiceNetwork:
    Allocate IPv4 network within the container of the specified service type.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM
    ipam_params = oss.IPAM
    assert hasattr(ipam_params, service_type) and service_type != 'INFOBLOX', "Invalid service type."
    return _allocate_network(ipam_params.INFOBLOX, getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V4, 4)

def allocate_service_ipv6_network(service_type) -> V6ServiceNetwork:
    Allocate IPv6 network within the container of the specified service type.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM
    ipam_params = oss.IPAM
    assert hasattr(ipam_params, service_type) and service_type != 'INFOBLOX', "Invalid service type."
    return _allocate_network(ipam_params.INFOBLOX, getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V6, 6)

def _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params, network_ref):
    r =
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    # TODO: propagate no more available IPs in the network
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    assert 'ips' in r.json()
    received_ip = r.json()['ips']
    assert len(received_ip) == 1
    return received_ip[0]

def _allocate_host(hostname=None, addr=None, network=None) -> Union[V4HostAddress, V6HostAddress]:
    If network is not None, allocate host in that network.
    Otherwise if addr is not None, allocate host with that address.
    hostname parameter must be full name including domain name.
    # TODO: should hostnames be unique (i.e. fail if hostname already exists in this domain/service)?
    assert addr or network, "You must specify either the host address or the network CIDR."
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX

    if network:
        ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)
        # Find the next available IP address in the network
        network_info = _find_networks(network=network, ip_version=ip_version)
        assert len(network_info) == 1, "Network does not exist. Create it first."
        assert '_ref' in network_info[0]
        addr = _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params, network_info[0]["_ref"])
        ip_version = _ip_addr_version(addr)

    ipv4_req_payload = {
        "name": hostname,
        "configure_for_dns": False,
        "view": "default"

    ipv6_req_payload = {
        "ipv6addrs": [
                "ipv6addr": addr
        "name": hostname,
        "configure_for_dns": False,
        "view": "default"

    ip_req_payload = ipv4_req_payload if ip_version == 4 else ipv6_req_payload
    r =
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    assert isinstance(r.json(), str)
    assert r.json().startswith("record:host/")

    a_record_payload = {
        "ipv4addr": addr,
        "name": hostname,
        "view": "default"

    aaaa_record_payload = {
        "ipv6addr": addr,
        "name": hostname,
        "view": "default"

    endpoint = 'record:a' if ip_version == 4 else 'record:aaaa'
    dns_req_payload = a_record_payload if ip_version == 4 else aaaa_record_payload

    r =
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    assert isinstance(r.json(), str)
    assert r.json().startswith(f"{endpoint}/")

    if ip_version == 4:
        return V4HostAddress(v4=addr)
        return V6HostAddress(v6=addr)
def allocate_service_host(hostname=None, service_type=None, service_networks: ServiceNetworks = None, host_addresses: HostAddresses = None) -> HostAddresses:
    Allocate host with both IPv4 and IPv6 address (and respective DNS records).
    The domain name is also taken from the service type and appended to specified hostname.
    If service_networks is provided, that one is used.
    If service_networks is not provided, and host_addresses is provided, those specific addresses are used.
    If neither is not provided, the first network with available space for this service type is used.
        Note that if WFO will always specify the network/addresses after creating it, this mode won't be needed.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM
    ipam_params = oss.IPAM

    assert hasattr(ipam_params, service_type) and service_type != 'INFOBLOX', "Invalid service type."
    ipv4_container = getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V4.container
    ipv6_container = getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V6.container
    domain_name = getattr(ipam_params, service_type).domain_name

    if not service_networks and not host_addresses:
        ipv4_networks_info = _find_networks(network_container=str(ipv4_container), ip_version=4)
        assert len(ipv4_networks_info) >= 1, "No IPv4 network exists in the container for this service type."
        first_nonfull_ipv4_network = None
        for ipv4_network_info in ipv4_networks_info:
            assert 'network' in ipv4_network_info
            capacity = _get_network_capacity(ipv4_network_info["network"])
            if capacity < 1000:
                first_nonfull_ipv4_network = ipv4_network_info["network"]
        # Create a new network if the existing networks in the container for the service type are all full.
        if not first_nonfull_ipv4_network:
            first_nonfull_ipv4_network = str(allocate_service_ipv4_network(service_type=service_type).v4)
        assert first_nonfull_ipv4_network, "No available IPv4 addresses for this service type."
        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, network=first_nonfull_ipv4_network)
        network = service_networks.v4
        assert network.subnet_of(ipv4_container)
        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, network=str(network))
    elif host_addresses:
        addr = host_addresses.v4
        assert addr in ipv4_container
        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, addr=str(addr))
    if not service_networks and not host_addresses:
        # ipv6 does not support capacity fetching (not even the GUI displays it).
        # Maybe it's assumed that there is always available space?
        ipv6_networks_info = _find_networks(network_container=str(ipv6_container), ip_version=6)
        assert len(ipv6_networks_info) >= 1, "No IPv6 network exists in the container for this service type."
        assert 'network' in ipv6_networks_info[0]
        # TODO: if "no available IP" error, create a new network?
        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, network=ipv6_networks_info[0]['network'])
        network = service_networks.v6
        assert network.subnet_of(ipv6_container)
        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, network=str(network))
    elif host_addresses:
        addr = host_addresses.v6
        assert addr in ipv6_container
        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name, addr=str(addr))

    return HostAddresses(v4=v4_host.v4,v6=v6_host.v6)

Below methods are not used for supported outside calls

def _find_containers(network=None, ip_version=4):
    If network is not None, find that container.
    Otherwise find all containers.
    assert ip_version in [4, 6]
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    endpoint = 'networkcontainer' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6networkcontainer'
    r = requests.get(
        params={'network': network} if network else None,
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    return r.json()

def _delete_network(network) -> Union[V4ServiceNetwork, V6ServiceNetwork]:
    Delete IPv4 or IPv6 network by CIDR.
    # TODO: should we check that there are no hosts in this network before deleting?
    # Deleting a network deletes the hosts in it, but not the associated DNS records.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX

    ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)

    network_info = _find_networks(network=network, ip_version=ip_version)
    assert len(network_info) == 1, "Network does not exist."
    assert '_ref' in network_info[0]

    r = requests.delete(
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"

    # Extract ipv4/ipv6 address from the network reference obtained in the response
    r_json = r.json()
    network_address = ipaddress.ip_network(r_json.rsplit("/", 1)[0].split(":")[1].replace("%3A", ":"))
    if ip_version == 4:
        return V4ServiceNetwork(v4=network_address)
        return V6ServiceNetwork(v6=network_address)

def _delete_host_by_ip(addr) -> Union[V4HostAddress, V6HostAddress]:
    Delete IPv4 or IPv6 host by its address.
    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX

    ip_version = _ip_addr_version(addr)
    ip_param = 'ipv4addr' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6addr'

    # Find host record reference
    r = requests.get(
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    host_data = r.json()
    assert len(host_data) == 1, "Host does not exist."
    assert '_ref' in host_data[0]
    host_ref = host_data[0]['_ref']

    # Delete it
    r = requests.delete(
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"

    # Also find and delete the associated dns a/aaaa record
    endpoint = 'record:a' if ip_version == 4 else 'record:aaaa'

    r = requests.get(
        params={ip_param: addr},
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    dns_data = r.json()
    assert len(dns_data) == 1, "DNS record does not exist."
    assert '_ref' in dns_data[0]
    dns_ref = dns_data[0]['_ref']

    r = requests.delete(
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password),
    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
    if ip_version == 4:
        return V4HostAddress(v4=addr)
        return V6HostAddress(v6=addr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        print("1. Find all containers")
        print("2. Find all networks")
        print("3. Get network capacity")
        print("4. Create new network")
        print("5. Delete network")
        print("6. Allocate host by IP")
        print("7. Allocate host by network CIDR")
        print("8. Allocate host by service type")
        print("9. Delete host by IP")
        print("10. Exit")

        choice = input("Enter your choice: ")

        if choice == '1':
            ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): "))
            containers = _find_containers(ip_version=ip_version)
            print(json.dumps(containers, indent=2))

        elif choice == '2':
            ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): "))
            networks = _find_networks(ip_version=ip_version)
            print(json.dumps(networks, indent=2))
            network = input("Enter network (in CIDR notation): ")
            network_capacity = _get_network_capacity(network=network)
            print(json.dumps(network_capacity, indent=2))

        elif choice == '4':
            service_type = input("Enter service type: ")
            ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): "))
            if ip_version == 4:
                new_network = allocate_service_ipv4_network(service_type=service_type)
            elif ip_version == 6:
                new_network = allocate_service_ipv6_network(service_type=service_type)
                print("Invalid IP version. Please enter either 4 or 6.")
            print(json.dumps(str(new_network), indent=2))

            network = input("Enter network to delete (in CIDR notation): ")
            deleted_network = _delete_network(network=network)
            print(json.dumps(str(deleted_network), indent=2))

            hostname = input("Enter host name (full name including domain name): ")
            addr = input("Enter IP address to allocate: ")
            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname, addr=addr)
            print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2))

            hostname = input("Enter host name (full name including domain name): ")
            network = input("Enter an existing network to allocate from (in CIDR notation): ")
            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname, network=network)
            print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2))

            hostname = input("Enter host name (not including domain name): ")
            service_type = input("Enter service type: ")
            alloc_ip = allocate_service_host(hostname=hostname, service_type=service_type)
            print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2))

            addr = input("Enter IP address of host to delete: ")
            deleted_host = _delete_host_by_ip(addr=addr)
            print(json.dumps(str(deleted_host), indent=2))


            print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")