To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
changelog 1.16 KiB
0.1: initial skeleton
0.2: use celery for task management
0.3: basic opsdb, alarmsdb coms & test api
0.4: added some further sample resources
0.5: added meaningful alarmsdb demo method
added snmp index to interface data to support sensu, prometheus
increased unit test coverage to 78%
0.6: added a static demo of juniper stuff
added some route docs to README
0.7/0.8: added static/* to release
0.9: use pyez/netconf for gathering juniper data
0.10/0.11: cache storage formatting bugfix
logging levels configured from environment
0.12: added addresses to interface response
put actual module number in version response
0.13: added external inventory caching
0.14: added sample route for startup-only tasks
added method for caching selected alarmsdb tables
added caching of last known interface status from alarmsdb
0.15: added some routes for initial classifier support
added basic replacement for findAffectedCircuits
0.16<working>: flatten redis storage structure
poller api
classifier metadata api
read snmp community string from netconf
derive active router list from junosspace
cache ix public & vpn rr peers