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Simone Spinelli's avatar
Simone Spinelli authored
add custom labels to provisioning proxy input steps

See merge request !22

Environment and dependencies

  • Install python 3.10 if you don't have it already:
    • add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    • apt install python3.10 python3.10-distutils
  • Follow Steps 1 and 2 from here to install dependencies and setup DB:
  • To install the orchestrator GUI, you can follow the steps 5 and 6 from the above link.
  • Create a virtualenv:
    • source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/
    • mkvirtualenv --python python3.10 gso
  • To use the virtualenv:
    • source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/
    • workon gso


Do all of this inside the virtualenv.

  • Clone this repo and cd into it
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • If you get an error because you pip version is too old, run this: curl -sS | python3.10
  • pip install -e .
  • cd into gso directory and create oss-params.json based on the oss-params-example.json file.
  • Export the oss-params file: export OSS_PARAMS_FILENAME="/path/to/oss-params.json"
  • Upgrade DB to latest revision: PYTHONPATH=. python db upgrade heads


  • The core of workflow orchestrator can be started with uvicorn --host --port 8080 main:app from inside the gso directory of this repo.
  • The GUI can be started with yarn start.

Useful WFO Resources

API examples

Note: update IP address in the request to your own where you're running WFO.

Creating subscriptions (look at initial_input_form_generator method of the workflow to find what properties need to be passed in the data of the POST request)

Create process that produces a new subscription (CREATE workflow)

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[{"product": "321045fc-21ec-476b-b67b-5f211e47c3d7"},{"trunk_name": "mytrunkfromapi", "geant_s_sid": "a1b2c3"}]'

Create process that manipulates the state of a subscription (TERMINATE workflow)

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[{"subscription_id": "910e7044-c427-46d1-afc3-7817e221d45d"}, {"are_you_sure": "yes"}]'

Deleting subscriptions (not the same as running a TERMINATE workflow for a subscription, but to actually erase it from the WFO database)

Delete a subscription:

curl -X 'DELETE' ''

To do the above, you first have to delete the processes first:

curl -X 'DELETE' ''