Mohammad Torkashvand authoredMohammad Torkashvand authored
settings.py 4.82 KiB
""":term:`GSO` settings.
Ensuring that the required parameters are set correctly. An example file ``oss-params-example.json`` is present in the
:term:`GSO` package itself.
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import Field
from pydantic_forms.types import UUIDstr
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
from typing_extensions import Doc
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GeneralParams(BaseSettings):
"""General parameters for a :term:`GSO` configuration file."""
public_hostname: str
"""The hostname that :term:`GSO` is publicly served at, used for building the callback URL that the provisioning
proxy uses."""
isis_high_metric: int
class CeleryParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for Celery."""
broker_url: str
result_backend: str
timezone: str = "Europe/Amsterdam"
enable_utc: bool = True
result_expires: int = 3600
class InfoBloxParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters related to InfoBlox."""
scheme: str
wapi_version: str
host: str
username: str
password: str
V4Netmask = Annotated[int, Field(ge=0, le=32), Doc("A valid netmask for an IPv4 network or address.")]
V6Netmask = Annotated[int, Field(ge=0, le=128), Doc("A valid netmask for an IPv6 network or address.")]
class V4NetworkParams(BaseSettings):
"""A set of parameters that describe an IPv4 network in InfoBlox."""
containers: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network]
networks: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network]
mask: V4Netmask
class V6NetworkParams(BaseSettings):
"""A set of parameters that describe an IPv6 network in InfoBlox."""
containers: list[ipaddress.IPv6Network]
networks: list[ipaddress.IPv6Network]
mask: V6Netmask
class ServiceNetworkParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for InfoBlox.
The parameters describe IPv4 and v6 networks, and the corresponding domain name that should be used as a suffix.
V4: V4NetworkParams
V6: V6NetworkParams
domain_name: str
dns_view: str
network_view: str
class IPAMParams(BaseSettings):
"""A set of parameters related to :term:`IPAM`."""
INFOBLOX: InfoBloxParams
LO: ServiceNetworkParams
TRUNK: ServiceNetworkParams
GEANT_IP: ServiceNetworkParams
SI: ServiceNetworkParams
LT_IAS: ServiceNetworkParams
class MonitoringSNMPV2Params(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters related to SNMPv2."""
community: str
class MonitoringSNMPV3Params(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters related to SNMPv3."""
authlevel: str
authname: str
authpass: str
authalgo: str
cryptopass: str
cryptoalgo: str
class MonitoringLibreNMSParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters related to LibreNMS."""
base_url: str
token: str
class SNMPParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for SNMP in LibreNMS."""
v2c: MonitoringSNMPV2Params
#: .. versionadded :: 2.0
#: Support for :term:`SNMP` v3 will get added in a later version of :term:`GSO`. Parameters are optional for now.
v3: MonitoringSNMPV3Params | None = None
class MonitoringParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters related to the monitoring."""
LIBRENMS: MonitoringLibreNMSParams
class ProvisioningProxyParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for the provisioning proxy."""
scheme: str
api_base: str
api_version: int
class NetBoxParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for NetBox."""
token: str
api: str
class EmailParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for the email service."""
# TODO: Use more strict types after we've migrated to Pydantic 2.x
from_address: str
smtp_host: str
smtp_port: int
starttls_enabled: bool
smtp_username: str | None = None
smtp_password: str | None = None
class SharepointParams(BaseSettings):
"""Settings for different Sharepoint sites."""
client_id: UUIDstr
tenant_id: UUIDstr
certificate_path: str
certificate_password: str
site_id: UUIDstr
list_ids: dict[str, UUIDstr]
scopes: list[str]
class AuthParams(BaseSettings):
"""Parameters for the authentication service."""
opa_url: str
class OSSParams(BaseSettings):
"""The set of parameters required for running :term:`GSO`."""
GENERAL: GeneralParams
NETBOX: NetBoxParams
MONITORING: MonitoringParams
PROVISIONING_PROXY: ProvisioningProxyParams
CELERY: CeleryParams
THIRD_PARTY_API_KEYS: dict[str, str]
EMAIL: EmailParams
SHAREPOINT: SharepointParams
AUTH: AuthParams
def load_oss_params() -> OSSParams:
"""Look for ``OSS_PARAMS_FILENAME`` in the environment and load the parameters from that file."""
with Path(os.environ["OSS_PARAMS_FILENAME"]).open(encoding="utf-8") as file:
return OSSParams(**json.loads(file.read()))
if __name__ == "__main__":