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"""{term}`GSO` settings.

Ensuring that the required parameters are set correctly.

import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import os

from pydantic import BaseSettings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class GeneralParams(BaseSettings):
    """General parameters for a {term}`GSO` configuration file."""

    public_hostname: str
    """The hostname that {term}`GSO` is publicly served at, used for building the callback URL that the provisioning
    proxy uses."""

class InfoBloxParams(BaseSettings):
    """Parameters related to InfoBlox."""

    scheme: str
    wapi_version: str
    host: str
    username: str
    password: str

class V4NetworkParams(BaseSettings):
    """A set of parameters that describe an IPv4 network in InfoBlox."""

    containers: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network]
    networks: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network]
    mask: int  # TODO: validation on mask?

class V6NetworkParams(BaseSettings):
    """A set of parameters that describe an IPv6 network in InfoBlox."""

    containers: list[ipaddress.IPv6Network]
    networks: list[ipaddress.IPv6Network]
    mask: int  # TODO: validation on mask?

class ServiceNetworkParams(BaseSettings):
    """Parameters for InfoBlox.

    The parameters describe IPv4 and v6 networks, and the corresponding domain name that should be used as a suffix.

    V4: V4NetworkParams
    V6: V6NetworkParams
    domain_name: str
    dns_view: str

class IPAMParams(BaseSettings):
    """A set of parameters related to {term}`IPAM`."""

    INFOBLOX: InfoBloxParams
    LO: ServiceNetworkParams
    TRUNK: ServiceNetworkParams
    GEANT_IP: ServiceNetworkParams
    SI: ServiceNetworkParams
    LT_IAS: ServiceNetworkParams

class ProvisioningProxyParams(BaseSettings):
    """Parameters for the provisioning proxy."""

    scheme: str
    api_base: str
    auth: str  # FIXME: unfinished
    api_version: int

class ResourceManagementParams(BaseSettings):
    """TO DO: resource management parameters."""

    todo: str

class OSSParams(BaseSettings):
    """The set of parameters required for running {term}`GSO`."""

    GENERAL: GeneralParams
    IPAM: IPAMParams
    RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT: ResourceManagementParams
    PROVISIONING_PROXY: ProvisioningProxyParams

def load_oss_params() -> OSSParams:
    """Look for OSS_PARAMS_FILENAME in the environment and load the parameters from that file."""
    with open(os.environ["OSS_PARAMS_FILENAME"], encoding="utf-8") as file:
        return OSSParams(**json.loads(

if __name__ == "__main__":