# Create IP trunk
This the workflow that brings the subscription from `INACTIVE` to `PROVISIONING`.
The deployment of a new IPtrunk consist in the following steps:
- Fill the form with the necessary fields:
- Type
- Speed
- Nodes
- LAG interfaces with description
- LAG members with description
- WFO will query IPAM to retrieve the IPv4/IPv6 Networks necessary for the
trunk. The container to use is specified in `oss-params.json`
- The configuration necessary to deploy the LAG is generated and applied to the
destination nodes using the Ansible playbook `iptrunks.yaml` This is done first
in a dry mode (without committing) and then in a real mode committing the
configuration. The commit message has the `subscription_id` and the
`process_id`. Included in this, is the configuration necessary to enable LLDP on
the physical interfaces.
- Once the LAG interface is deployed, another Ansible playbook is called to
verify that IP traffic can actually flow over the trunk ( `iptrunk_checks.yaml`)
- Once the check is passed, the ISIS configuration will take place using the
same `iptrunks.yaml`. Also in this case first there is a dry run and then a
- After this step the ISIS adjacency gets checked using again
The trunk is deployed with an initial ISIS metric of 90.000 to prevent traffic
to pass.