StylesPath = styles
MinAlertLevel = suggestion
Vocab = geant-jargon, Sphinx
Packages = proselint, Microsoft
BasedOnStyles = Vale, proselint, Microsoft
; Disable style rules for headings, as these conflict with what is generated by autodoc
; Microsoft.Headings = NO
; Microsoft.HeadingAcronyms = NO
; Microsoft.Dashes = NO
; Ignore acronyms if they are tagged as a term
; TokenIgnores = ([^\n]+std-term[^\n]+)
; TokenIgnores = ('<span class="xref std std-term">GSO<\/span>')
; TokenIgnores = ({term}`[^\n]+`)
; Ignore the table of contents directive
; BlockIgnores = (?s) *(\x60\x60\x60{toctree}.*?\x60\x60\x60)
; BlockIgnores = (?s) *(# {py:mod}\x60[^\n]+\x60)
; Ignore <link>-style links
; TokenIgnores = (<http[^\n]+>+?)
Microsoft.Dashes = NO
Microsoft.Headings = NO
Microsoft.HeadingAcronyms = NO
; Ignore acronyms being undefined in the file that defines all acronyms by definition
Microsoft.Acronyms = NO