Bjarke Madsen authoredBjarke Madsen authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
changelog.md 1.56 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.13] - 2021-04-15
- Delete NREN folder when provisioning, stale dashboards could otherwise never be removed.
[0.12] - 2021-04-15
- POL1-416 remaining changes
[0.11] - 2021-04-15
- POL1-412, POL1-416 fixes
[0.10] - 2021-04-12
- Fix bug in config
- [POL1-413/POL1-414] Add GEANTOPEN to General Public
[0.9] - 2021-04-12
- Show GEANT logo on home dashboards for non-staff organizations
- [POL1-408] Remove hardcoded database name from lab dashboard
- [POL1-409/POL1-413/POL1-414] Properly exclude a number of dashboards and folders
- [POL1-413/POL1-414] Add PIONIER alias of PSNC to exclude
[0.8] - 2021-04-09
- Templated home dashboard to provision different one for each organization
- Add interface names to aggregate graph target aliases
- Add lab router dashboard
- Remove multicast panels
[0.7] - 2021-03-25
- Added better support for excluding dashboards under specific paths
- Added version endpoint
- Implemented lock on /update to prevent multiple requests from starting multiple provisioning processes
[0.6] - 2021-03-10
- Added CAE1 and updated handling of IAS Upstream tags
[0.5] - 2021-03-10
- Added provisioning of aggregate dashboards with many targets
[0.4] - 2021-03-03
- Provisioning is now limited to a single org at once.
[0.3] - 2021-03-03
- Tune down the amount of concurrency, as Grafana servers can't keep up
[0.2] - 2021-03-03
- Generate and provision dashboards concurrently to reduce time to provision
[0.1] - 2021-02-24
- initial skeleton