parser.pp 1.59 KiB
# == Function: fw_builder::parser
# parse elements and add subnet if necessary
# it does not work quite well with IPv4 and ipset but it doesn't cause any issue
# === Parameters
# [*facts_fw_conf*]
# custom fact: fw builder configuration, including the public IPs
# [*facts_ipsets*]
# custom fact: ipsets pushed by fw builder
# === Variables
# [*public_ips*]
# IPs without subnet
# [*public_cidr*]
# IPs with subnet
function fw_builder::parser(Array $ip_array) >> Array {
if $ip_array.length > 0 {
$unflattened_cidr_array = $ |$ip| {
if $ip =~ Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::Nosubnet {
} elsif $ip =~ Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Nosubnet {
} elsif $ip =~ Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::CIDR or $ip =~ Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::CIDR {
} elsif $ip =~ Stdlib::Fqdn {
$ipv4 = dns_a($ip)[0]
$ipv6 = dns_aaaa($ip)[0]
if ($ipv4) {
$ipv4_subnetted = "${ipv4}/32"
} else {
$ipv4_subnetted = undef
if ($ipv6) {
$ipv6_subnetted = downcase("${ipv6}/128")
} else {
$ipv6_subnetted = undef
# if we cannot resolve either ipv4 and ipv6 we fail here
if $ipv4 == undef and $ipv6 == undef { fail("${ip} does not have a DNS entry. Please amend the configuration") }
[$ipv4_subnetted, $ipv6_subnetted]
$cidr_array_with_undef = unique(flatten($unflattened_cidr_array))
$cidr_array = $cidr_array_with_undef.filter | $item | { $item !~ Undef }
} else {
$cidr_array = []