@@ -111,52 +111,10 @@ This module gathers a set of usefull subroutines.
@@ -111,52 +111,10 @@ This module gathers a set of usefull subroutines.
=over 8
=over 8
=item C<dump_var ($var, $level, $fd)>
Dumps a complex perl data structure. $var is a reference to the variable to dump. $level should be set to 0 (subroutine called recursively). $fd is the file descriptor for the output (default is STDOUT).
=item C<encode_utf8 ($string)>
Return a UTF8 encoded version of $string.
=item C<escape_xml ($string)>
Escape XML chars in $string.
=item C<generate_password>
=item C<generate_password>
Returns a random password following some security guidelines.
Returns a random password following some security guidelines.
=item C<mail_notice (ARGS)>
Send a mail notice.
Supported arguments include:
=over 12
=item C<template>
TT2 mail template to parse.
=item C<to>
Destination email address.
=item C<data>
A hashref with parameters used to parse the mail template.
=item C<qencode ($string)>
Retunrs a Q-encoded version of $string.
=item C<sha256_hash ($string)>
Returns a SHA256 hash for $string.
=item C<update_ssp_authsources>
=item C<update_ssp_authsources>
Update simpleSAMLphp authsources.php configuration file with the currently valid test accounts.
Update simpleSAMLphp authsources.php configuration file with the currently valid test accounts.