<th>eduPersonTargetedID:</th><td><i>value dynamically generated by the SP</i></td>
@@ -60,7 +55,7 @@
[% END %]
<p><strong>Please keep a record of the above user names and passwords</strong> because currently there is no mecanism to retrieve the above credentials once you close this page. If you forget the username and passwords, you can however request new test accounts.</p>
<p>Click <ahref="[% conf.app_url %]?action=download_accounts&entityid=[% sp_entityid %]&token=[% token %]&key=[% key %]">here</a> to download the details of those accounts in CSV format.</p>
<divclass="alert-box warning radius">
<p>Note that these test accounts will automatically expire in [% conf.accounts_validity_period %] days and that they can only be used to test federated login to your eduGAIN-enabled Service Provider with entityID <strong>[% sp_entityid %]</strong>.</p>