renater.salaun authored
git-svn-id: https://svn.geant.net/GEANT/edugain_testidp_account_manager/trunk@77 047e039d-479c-447e-8a29-aa6bf4a09bab
renater.salaun authoredgit-svn-id: https://svn.geant.net/GEANT/edugain_testidp_account_manager/trunk@77 047e039d-479c-447e-8a29-aa6bf4a09bab
Conf.pm 3.13 KiB
## default Conf.pm file
## you should customize it and rename it Conf.pm
package Conf;
our %global = (
## Code version
'version' => 'closed Beta 1',
## Name of the application used in web pages, mail notices
'app_name' => 'eduGAIN Test Account Manager',
## URL of the application
'app_url' => 'https://my.fqdn/accountmanager',
## Validity period of test accounts, in days
'accounts_validity_period' => 7,
## Token validity period, in hours
'tokens_validity_period' => 2,
## Scope used by the Test IdP
'idp_scope' => 'my.fqdn',
## EntityID of the IdP
'idp_entityid' => 'https://my.fqdn/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php',
## Name of the IdP
'idp_displayname' => 'eduGAIN Test Identity Provider',
## Root simpleSamlPhp directory
'root_ssp_dir' => '/opt/testidp/simplesamlphp',
## Root test account manager directory
'root_manager_dir' => '/opt/testidp/IdPAccountManager',
## Database type refers to a Perl Database Driver name
## However only a subset of existing DBDs are supported by Rose::DB::Object:
## Pg, mysql, SQLite, Informix, Oracle (DBD names are case sensitives)
'database_type' => 'mysql',
## Database hostname
'database_host' => 'localhost',
## Database_name
'database_name' => 'idp_account_manager',
## Database username
'database_user' => 'idpadmin',
## Database user password
'database_password' => 'secret',
## Log file for the manager
'log_file' => '/opt/testidp/IdPAccountManager/log/manager.log',
## Log level : debug, info, trace, notice, error
'log-level' => 'info',
## email address to contact admins
'admin_email' => 'john@my.fqdn',
## email address to ask for support
'support_email' => 'support@my.fqdn',
## Development feature
## Protection to prevent notifications during test dev phases
## Notify only admin_email above
'dev_no_mail_outside' => 1,