package IdPAccountManager::WebRequest;
use IdPAccountManager::Data::TestAccount;
use IdPAccountManager::Data::AuthenticationToken;
use IdPAccountManager::Data::ServiceProvider;
use IdPAccountManager::Logger;
use IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata;
## New web request
sub new {
format => $args{format},
actions => $args{actions},
configuration => $args{configuration},
$self->{logger} = IdPAccountManager::Logger->new(
file => $self->{configuration}->{log_file},
verbosity => $self->{configuration}->{log_level}
level => LOG_INFO,
message => ''
driver => $self->{configuration}->{database_type},
database => $self->{configuration}->{database_name},
host => $self->{configuration}->{database_host},
password => $self->{configuration}->{database_password},
username => $self->{configuration}->{database_user}
$self->{db} = IdPAccountManager::DB->new();
## Input parameters
my %in_vars = $http_query->Vars;
## Check if admin acts as another user
$self->{cookies} = CGI::Cookie->fetch;
#if (defined $self->{cookies}->{as_user} && $request->{is_admin}) {
# $self->{utilisateur} = $request->{as_user} = $request->{cookies}->{as_user}->value;
# $self->{is_admin} = 0;
## Usefull data for output (web pages or mail notices)
$self->{param_out}->{url_cgi} = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
$self->{param_out}->{env} = \%ENV;
$self->{param_out}->{actions} = $args{actions};
$self->{param_out}->{conf} = $self->{configuration};
foreach my $key (keys %{ $self->{param_in} }) {
$self->{param_in}->{$key} =~ s/\r//g;
$self->{param_in}->{$key} =~ s/\s+$//; ## Remove trailing spaces
$self->{param_in}->{$key} =~ s/^\s+//; ## Remove leading spaces
## If action_xx param is set, then action=xx
## Usefull to have sementicless values in submit forms
if ($key =~ /^action_(\w+)$/) {
#$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_TRACE, message => "ACTION $key");
$self->{param_in}->{action} = $1;
## Check the requested action
if ($self->{param_in}->{action}) {
$self->{action} = $self->{param_in}->{action};
} else {
## Default action
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => 'Default action');
## Execute a web request
sub execute {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_DEBUG, message => "");
my $status;
## Check input parameters format
foreach my $key (keys %{ $self->{param_in} }) {
if ( $self->{param_in}->{$key} !~ /^\s*$/
&& defined $self->{format}->{$key}
&& !ref($self->{format}->{$key}))
unless ($self->{param_in}->{$key} =~ /^$self->format->{$key}$/) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "format_$key";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Incorrect parameter format : $key"
return undef;
do {
## Actions can be chained
$self->{action} = $self->{next_action} if ($self->{next_action});
delete $self->{next_action}; ## Prevent loops
if (defined $self->actions->{ $self->{action} }) {
## Execute the target subroutine named req_actionName
no strict 'refs';
my $sub = 'req_' . $self->{action};
$status = &{$sub}($self);
} else {
## Inknown action
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "unknown_action";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Unknown action '%s'",
return 1;
## Return HTML content
sub respond {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_DEBUG, message => "");
## Automatic pass object entries to the output hash
foreach my $key (keys %{$self}) {
$self->{param_out}{$key} ||= $self->{$key}
unless ($key eq 'param_out');
## An action may redirect to an external URL
printf "Location: %s\n\n", $self->{url_redirection};
} else {
## Parse template
my $tt2 = Template->new(
ENCODING => 'iso-8859-1', ## le défaut apparemment
[ \&IdPAccountManager::Tools::encode_utf8, 0 ],
[ \&IdPAccountManager::Tools::escape_quotes, 0 ]
INCLUDE_PATH => $self->{configuration}->{root_manager_dir} . ':'
. $self->{configuration}->{root_manager_dir}
. '/templates/accountProfiles',
#DEBUG => 'all',
#DEBUG => 'caller',
#DEBUG => 'parser'
my $template;
## nobanner is used to do AJAX to get only pieces of HTML to load in the web client
if ($self->{param_in}->{style} eq 'nobanner') {
$template = 'templates/web/index-nobanner.tt2.html';
} else {
$template = 'templates/web/index.tt2.html';
unless ($tt2->process($template, $self->{param_out}, \*STDOUT)) {
printf "Content-type: text/plain\n\n Error: %s", $tt2->error();
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => sprintf("Web parser error : %s", $tt2->error())
## Ignore some type of errors
my @errors_admin;
foreach my $id_error (@{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }) {
unless ($id_error =~ /^(error_x)$/) {
push @errors_admin, $id_error;
## Mail notification of admins about the error
if (@errors_admin) {
$self->{param_out}->{subject} = 'Error notification - web interface';
template => 'templates/mail/notification_generic_error.tt2.eml',
data => $self->{param_out},
logger => $self->{logger},
conf => $self->{configuration},
admin_email => $self->{configuration}->{admin_email},
dev_no_mail_outside => $self->{configuration}->{dev_no_mail_outside},
dev_sp_contact => $self->{configuration}->{dev_sp_contact},
notice_from => $self->{configuration}->{notice_from}
## Return the list of known SPs first
sub req_account_wizard {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => "");
my $federation_metadata = IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata->new();
federation_metadata_file_path =>
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to load federation metadata: $EVAL_ERROR"
eval {
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to parse federation metadata: $EVAL_ERROR"
$self->{param_out}->{federation_metadata_as_hashref} =
return 1;
## Select a Service Provider and return metadata sctucture for the SP
## Sample URL :
sub req_select_sp {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => "");
unless ($self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "missing_sp_entityid";
->log(level => LOG_ERROR, message => "Missing parameter sp_entityid");
my $federation_metadata = IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata->new(
unless (
federation_metadata_file_path =>
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to load federation metadata : $ERRNO"
return undef;
unless (
filter_entity_id => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to parse federation metadata : $ERRNO"
return undef;
## Create a serviceprovider object to store major parameters for this SP in DB
my $service_provider = IdPAccountManager::Data::ServiceProvider->new(
entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid},
dev_sp_contact => $self->{configuration}->{dev_sp_contact}
## Prepare data
my $sp_metadata_as_hashref =
if (defined $sp_metadata_as_hashref->{contacts}) {
foreach my $contact (@{ $sp_metadata_as_hashref->{contacts} }) {
my $email = $contact->{EmailAddress};
$email =~ s/^(mailto:)//; ## Remove 'mailto:' prefixes if any
push @contacts, $email;
my $display_name;
if (defined $sp_metadata_as_hashref->{display_name}) {
## Use English version of displayName if available
if ($sp_metadata_as_hashref->{display_name}->{en}) {
$display_name = $sp_metadata_as_hashref->{display_name}->{en};
## Else any language
} else {
my $lang (keys %{ $sp_metadata_as_hashref->{display_name} })
## Try loading DB object first
if ($service_provider->load(speculative => 1)) {
$service_provider->contacts(join(',', @contacts));
} else {
$service_provider = IdPAccountManager::Data::ServiceProvider->new(
entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid},
contacts => join(',', @contacts),
displayname => $display_name,
dev_sp_contact => $self->{configuration}->{dev_sp_contact}
unless (defined $service_provider) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to create serviceprovider object"
return undef;
unless ($service_provider->save()) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to save serviceprovider object"
$self->{param_out}->{sp_metadata_as_hashref} =
$self->{param_out}->{serviceprovider} = $service_provider;
return 1;
## Generate an authentication token to validate an email address
## Sample call :
sub req_generate_token {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => "");
unless ($self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "missing_sp_entityid";
->log(level => LOG_ERROR, message => "Missing parameter sp_entityid");
unless ($self->{param_in}->{email_address}) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "email_address";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Missing parameter email_address"
return undef;
## Create a serviceprovider object to load parameters for this SP from DB
my $service_provider = IdPAccountManager::Data::ServiceProvider->new(
entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid},
dev_sp_contact => $self->{configuration}->{dev_sp_contact}
# Try loading DB object first
unless ($service_provider->load(speculative => 1)) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to load SP with entityid '%s'",
return undef;
## Check that email_address is a known contact for this SP
unless ($service_provider->is_contact($self->{param_in}->{email_address}))
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message =>
"Requested a token for %s for an unautorized address '%s'",
return undef;
my $authentication_token = IdPAccountManager::Data::AuthenticationToken->new(
db => $self->{db},
email_address => $self->{param_in}->{email_address},
sp_entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}
unless (defined $authentication_token) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to create authentication token"
return undef;
## First remove token if one exist for this email+SP
if ($authentication_token->load(speculative => 1)) {
unless ($authentication_token->delete()) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => sprintf(
"Failed to delete previous authentication token with ID %s",
return undef;
$authentication_token = IdPAccountManager::Data::AuthenticationToken->new(
db => $self->{db},
email_address => $self->{param_in}->{email_address},
sp_entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}
unless (defined $authentication_token) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to create authentication token"
return undef;
unless ($authentication_token->save()) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "internal";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to save authentication token"
$self->{param_out}->{email_address} = $self->{param_in}->{email_address};
$self->{param_out}->{sp_entityid} = $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid};
$self->{param_out}->{to} = $self->{param_in}->{email_address};
$self->{param_out}->{authentication_token} =
## Send the challenge email with the token
template => 'templates/mail/send_authentication_token.tt2.eml',
to => $self->{param_in}->{email_address},
data => $self->{param_out},
logger => $self->{logger}
level => LOG_INFO,
message => "Token send to %s for sp_entityid=%s;token=%s",
return 1;
## Validate an authentication token
## Test accounts get created
## Sample call :
sub req_validate_token {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => "");
unless ($self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "missing_sp_entityid";
level => LOG_ERROR, message => "Missing parameter sp_entityid"
unless ($self->{param_in}->{authentication_token}) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} },
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Missing parameter authentication_token"
my $authentication_token = IdPAccountManager::Data::AuthenticationToken->new(
token => $self->{param_in}->{authentication_token});
unless ($authentication_token->load()) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "wrong_token";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message =>
"Failed to validate authentication token %s for sp_entityid %s",
return undef;
unless ($authentication_token->get('sp_entityid') eq
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "wrong_token_for_sp";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message =>
"Authentication token %s cannot be used for SP with entityid %s",
return undef;
## delete the token
unless ($authentication_token->delete()) {
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to delete authentication token %s",
## create test accounts
my @test_accounts;
foreach my $profile ($self->{configuration}->{account_profiles}) {
my $test_account = IdPAccountManager::Data::TestAccount->new(
account_profile => $profile,
sp_entityid => $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid}
next unless $test_account;
next unless $test_account->save();
push @test_accounts, $test_account;
unless (@test_accounts) {
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "accounts_creation_failed";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to create test accounts for SP with entityid %s",
return undef;
## Update simpleSAMLphp configuration to enable test accounts
unless (IdPAccountManager::Tools::update_ssp_authsources(
push @{ $self->{param_out}->{errors} }, "accounts_creation_failed";
level => LOG_ERROR,
message => "Failed to create simpleSAMLphp configuration file"
level => LOG_INFO,
message => "Token validated for sp_entityid=%s;token=%s",
$self->{param_out}->{sp_entityid} = $self->{param_in}->{sp_entityid};
$self->{param_out}->{test_accounts} = \@test_accounts;
return 1;
## Return the homepage of the service
sub req_home {
$self->{logger}->log(level => LOG_INFO, message => "");
return 1;