[% IF sp_metadata_as_hashref.display_name && sp_metadata_as_hashref.display_name.en %]
[% SET sp_display_name = sp_metadata_as_hashref.display_name.en %]
[% ELSE %]
[% SET sp_display_name = sp_metadata_as_hashref.entityid %]
[% END %]
Before you can create test accounts at this Identity Provider, we need to ensure you are a legitimate administrator of "[% sp_display_name %]".
[% IF sp_metadata_as_hashref.contacts.defined %]
<legend>Select your email address</legend>
<label for="sp_entityid">The email addresses below have been extracted from your SP SAML metadata.<br/>Please select the email address where an email challenge
can be sent to validate your identity</label>
[% FOREACH contact IN sp_metadata_as_hashref.contacts -%]
[% matches = contact.EmailAddress.match('^(mailto:)?(.*)$') %]
[% SET email = matches.1%]
<input name="email" value="[% email %]" id="[% email %]" type="radio"/>
<label for="[% email %]">[% email %]</label>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
No ContactPerson elements could be found in your SP SAML metadata. Therefore we are unable to provide test accounts for your SP. Please contact your local federation
administrator to add ContactPerson information to the SAML metadata.
[% END %]