StylesPath = styles MinAlertLevel = suggestion Vocab = geant-jargon, Sphinx Packages = proselint, Microsoft [*.{md,py}] ; We only lint .md and .py files BasedOnStyles = Vale, proselint, Microsoft ; Some headers are generated and we have no real influence over them Microsoft.Headings = NO ; Found to be too intrusive Microsoft.Passive = NO ; We are not a general audience Microsoft.GeneralURL = NO ; It's okay to leave TODOs in the code, that's what they're for proselint.Annotations = NO ; Replacing a ... with … shouldn't be holding back the entire CI pipeline proselint.Typography = warning ; Same applies for not using contractions Microsoft.Contractions = NO custom.Contractions = YES TokenIgnores = ({term}), (:param \S+:), (:type \S+:) [*/] ; Ignore acronyms being undefined in the file that defines all acronyms by definition. Microsoft.Acronyms = NO Microsoft.Contractions = NO custom.Contractions = YES Microsoft.Passive = NO [formats] py = md