import ipaddress
from typing import Any
from uuid import UUID
import re

from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.routing import APIRouter
from import opa_security_default
from import processes
from import subscriptions as wfo_subscriptions
from pydantic import BaseModel, root_validator, validator
from sqlalchemy.exc import MultipleResultsFound

from gso.products.product_blocks.iptrunk import IptrunkType, PhyPortCapacity
from gso.products.product_blocks.router import RouterRole, RouterVendor
from import SiteTier
from import subscriptions
from import CustomerNotFoundError, get_customer_by_name
from gso.utils.helpers import LAGMember

router = APIRouter(prefix="/imports", tags=["Imports"], dependencies=[Depends(opa_security_default)])

class ImportResponseModel(BaseModel):
    pid: UUID
    detail: str

class SiteImportModel(BaseModel):
    site_name: str
    site_city: str
    site_country: str
    site_country_code: str
    site_latitude: float
    site_longitude: float
    site_bgp_community_id: int
    site_internal_id: int
    site_tier: SiteTier
    site_ts_address: str
    customer: str

    @validator("site_name", allow_reuse=True)
    def site_name_must_be_valid(cls, site_name: str) -> str:
        # Accept 3 chapital letters and only one ditigt after capital letters.
        pattern = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]?$")
        if not bool(pattern.match(site_name)):
            raise ValueError(f"Enter a valid site name similar looks like AMS, AMS1or LON9. Get: {site_name}")

        return site_name

class RouterImportModel(BaseModel):
    customer: str
    router_site: str
    hostname: str
    ts_port: int
    router_vendor: RouterVendor
    router_role: RouterRole
    is_ias_connected: bool
    router_lo_ipv4_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address
    router_lo_ipv6_address: ipaddress.IPv6Address
    router_lo_iso_address: str
    router_si_ipv4_network: ipaddress.IPv4Network | None = None
    router_ias_lt_ipv4_network: ipaddress.IPv4Network | None = None
    router_ias_lt_ipv6_network: ipaddress.IPv6Network | None = None

class IptrunkImportModel(BaseModel):
    customer: str
    geant_s_sid: str
    iptrunk_type: IptrunkType
    iptrunk_description: str
    iptrunk_speed: PhyPortCapacity
    iptrunk_minimum_links: int
    side_a_node_id: str
    side_a_ae_iface: str
    side_a_ae_geant_a_sid: str
    side_a_ae_members: list[LAGMember]
    side_b_node_id: str
    side_b_ae_iface: str
    side_b_ae_geant_a_sid: str
    side_b_ae_members: list[LAGMember]

    iptrunk_ipv4_network: ipaddress.IPv4Network
    iptrunk_ipv6_network: ipaddress.IPv6Network

    def _get_active_routers(cls) -> set[str]:
        return {
            for router in subscriptions.get_active_router_subscriptions(includes=["subscription_id"])

    def check_if_customer_exists(cls, value: str) -> str:
        except CustomerNotFoundError:
            raise ValueError(f"Customer {value} not found")

        return value

    @validator("side_a_node_id", "side_b_node_id")
    def check_if_router_side_is_available(cls, value: str) -> str:
        if value not in cls._get_active_routers():
            raise ValueError(f"Router {value} not found")

        return value

    @validator("side_a_ae_members", "side_b_ae_members")
    def check_side_uniqueness(cls, value: list[str]) -> list[str]:
        if len(value) != len(set(value)):
            raise ValueError("Items must be unique")

        return value

    def check_members(cls, values: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        min_links = values["iptrunk_minimum_links"]
        side_a_members = values.get("side_a_ae_members", [])
        side_b_members = values.get("side_b_ae_members", [])

        len_a = len(side_a_members)
        len_b = len(side_b_members)

        if len_a < min_links:
            raise ValueError(f"Side A members should be at least {min_links} (iptrunk_minimum_links)")

        if len_a != len_b:
            raise ValueError("Mismatch between Side A and B members")

        return values

def _start_process(process_name: str, data: dict) -> UUID:
    """Start a process and handle common exceptions."""

    pid: UUID = processes.start_process(process_name, [data])
    if pid is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail="Failed to start the process.")

    process = processes._get_process(pid)
    if process.last_status == "failed":
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f"Process {pid} failed because of an internal error. {process.failed_reason}",

    return pid"/sites", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=ImportResponseModel)
def import_site(site: SiteImportModel) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Import a site by running the import_site workflow.

    :param site: The site information to be imported.
    :type site: SiteImportModel

    :return: A dictionary containing the process id of the started process and detail message.
    :rtype: dict[str, Any]

    :raises HTTPException: If the site already exists or if there's an error in the process.
        subscription = wfo_subscriptions.retrieve_subscription_by_subscription_instance_value(
            resource_type="site_name", value=site.site_name, sub_status=("provisioning", "active")
        if subscription:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, detail="Site already exists.")
    except MultipleResultsFound:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, detail="Multiple subscriptions found.")

    pid = _start_process("import_site", site.dict())
    return {"detail": "Site added successfully.", "pid": pid}"/routers", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=ImportResponseModel)
def import_router(router_data: RouterImportModel) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Import a router by running the import_router workflow.

    :param router_data: The router information to be imported.
    :type router_data: RouterImportModel

    :return: A dictionary containing the process id of the started process and detail message.
    :rtype: dict[str, Any]

    :raises HTTPException: If there's an error in the process.

    pid = _start_process("import_router", router_data.dict())
    return {"detail": "Router added successfully", "pid": pid}"/iptrunks", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=ImportResponseModel)
def import_iptrunk(iptrunk_data: IptrunkImportModel) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Import an iptrunk by running the import_iptrunk workflow.

    :param iptrunk_data: The iptrunk information to be imported.
    :type iptrunk_data: IptrunkImportModel

    :return: A dictionary containing the process id of the started process and detail message.
    :rtype: dict[str, Any]

    :raises HTTPException: If there's an error in the process.

    pid = _start_process("import_iptrunk", iptrunk_data.dict())
    return {"detail": "Iptrunk added successfully", "pid": pid}