import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json import ipaddress from pydantic import BaseSettings from typing import Union import random from gso import settings class V4ServiceNetwork(BaseSettings): v4: ipaddress.IPv4Network class V6ServiceNetwork(BaseSettings): v6: ipaddress.IPv6Network class ServiceNetworks(BaseSettings): v4: V4ServiceNetwork v6: V6ServiceNetwork class V4HostAddress(BaseSettings): v4: ipaddress.IPv4Address class V6HostAddress(BaseSettings): v6: ipaddress.IPv6Address class HostAddresses(BaseSettings): v4: V4HostAddress v6: V6HostAddress # TODO: remove this! # lab infoblox cert is not valid for the ipv4 address # ... disable warnings for now requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() def _wapi(infoblox_params: settings.InfoBloxParams): return (f'https://{}' f'/wapi/{infoblox_params.wapi_version}') def _ip_addr_version(addr): ip_version = None ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr) if isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv4Address): ip_version = 4 elif isinstance(ip_addr, ipaddress.IPv6Address): ip_version = 6 assert ip_version in [4, 6] return ip_version def _ip_network_version(network): ip_version = None ip_network = ipaddress.ip_network(network) if isinstance(ip_network, ipaddress.IPv4Network): ip_version = 4 elif isinstance(ip_network, ipaddress.IPv6Network): ip_version = 6 assert ip_version in [4, 6] return ip_version def find_containers(network=None, ip_version=4): assert ip_version in [4, 6] oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX endpoint = 'networkcontainer' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6networkcontainer' r = requests.get( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}', params={'network': network} if network else None, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" return r.json() def find_networks(network=None, ip_version=4): assert ip_version in [4, 6] oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX endpoint = 'network' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6network' r = requests.get( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}', params={'network': network} if network else None, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" return r.json() def _allocate_network(infoblox_params: settings.InfoBloxParams, network_params: Union[settings.V4NetworkParams, settings.V6NetworkParams], ip_version=4): assert ip_version in [4, 6] endpoint = 'network' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6network' ipv4_req_payload = { "network": { "_object_function": "next_available_network", "_parameters": { "cidr": network_params.mask }, "_object": "networkcontainer", "_object_parameters": { "network": str(network_params.container) }, "_result_field": "networks", # only return in the response the allocated network, not all available } } ipv6_req_payload = { "network": { "_object_function": "next_available_network", "_parameters": { "cidr": network_params.mask }, "_object": "ipv6networkcontainer", "_object_parameters": { "network": str(network_params.container) }, "_result_field": "networks", # only return in the response the allocated network, not all available } } req_payload = ipv4_req_payload if ip_version == 4 else ipv6_req_payload r = f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}', params={'_return_fields': 'network'}, json=req_payload, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), headers={'content-type': "application/json"}, verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" allocated_network = r.json()['network'] if ip_version==4: return V4ServiceNetwork(v4=allocated_network) else: return V6ServiceNetwork(v6=allocated_network) def allocate_service_ipv4_network(service_type): oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM ipam_params = oss.IPAM assert hasattr(ipam_params, service_type) and service_type != 'INFOBLOX', "Invalid service type." return _allocate_network(ipam_params.INFOBLOX, getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V4, 4) def allocate_service_ipv6_network(service_type): oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM ipam_params = oss.IPAM assert hasattr(ipam_params, service_type) and service_type != 'INFOBLOX', "Invalid service type." return _allocate_network(ipam_params.INFOBLOX, getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V6, 6) def delete_network(network): oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX ip_version = _ip_network_version(network) network_info = find_networks(network=network, ip_version=ip_version) assert len(network_info) == 1, "Network does not exist." assert '_ref' in network_info[0] r = requests.delete( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{network_info[0]["_ref"]}', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" # Extract ipv4/ipv6 address from the network reference obtained in the response r_json = r.json() network_address = ipaddress.ip_network(r_json.rsplit("/", 1)[0].split(":")[1].replace("%3A", ":")) if ip_version == 4: return V4ServiceNetwork(v4=network_address) else: return V6ServiceNetwork(v6=network_address) def _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params, network_ref): r = f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{network_ref}?_function=next_available_ip&num=1', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" assert 'ips' in r.json() received_ip = r.json()['ips'] assert len(received_ip) == 1 return received_ip[0] def allocate_host(mac=None, hostname=None, addr=None, network=None, service_type=None): oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX if network: ip_version = _ip_network_version(network) # Find the next available IP address in the network network_info = find_networks(network=network, ip_version=ip_version) assert len(network_info) == 1, "Network does not exist. Create it first." assert '_ref' in network_info[0] addr = _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params, network_info[0]["_ref"]) else: ip_version = _ip_addr_version(addr) ipv4_req_payload = { "ipv4addrs": [ { "ipv4addr": addr, "mac": mac } ], "name": hostname, "configure_for_dns": False, "view": "default" } ipv6_req_payload = { "ipv6addrs": [ { "ipv6addr": addr } ], "name": hostname, "configure_for_dns": False, "view": "default" } ip_req_payload = ipv4_req_payload if ip_version == 4 else ipv6_req_payload r = f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/record:host', json=ip_req_payload, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" assert isinstance(r.json(), str) assert r.json().startswith("record:host/") a_record_payload = { "ipv4addr": addr, "name": hostname, "view": "default" } aaaa_record_payload = { "ipv6addr": addr, "name": hostname, "view": "default" } endpoint = 'record:a' if ip_version == 4 else 'record:aaaa' dns_req_payload = a_record_payload if ip_version == 4 else aaaa_record_payload r = f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}', json=dns_req_payload, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" assert isinstance(r.json(), str) assert r.json().startswith(f"{endpoint}/") if ip_version == 4: return V4HostAddress(v4=addr) else: return V6HostAddress(v6=addr) def delete_host_by_ip(addr): oss = settings.load_oss_params() assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX ip_version = _ip_addr_version(addr) ip_param = 'ipv4addr' if ip_version == 4 else 'ipv6addr' # Find host record reference r = requests.get( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/record:host', params={ip_param: addr}, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) host_data = r.json() assert len(host_data) == 1, "Host does not exist." assert '_ref' in host_data[0] host_ref = host_data[0]['_ref'] # Delete it r = requests.delete( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{host_ref}', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" # Also find and delete the associated dns a/aaaa record endpoint = 'record:a' if ip_version == 4 else 'record:aaaa' r = requests.get( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}', params={ip_param: addr}, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) dns_data = r.json() assert len(dns_data) == 1, "DNS record does not exist." assert '_ref' in dns_data[0] dns_ref = dns_data[0]['_ref'] r = requests.delete( f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{dns_ref}', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username, infoblox_params.password), verify=False) assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}" if ip_version == 4: return V4HostAddress(v4=addr) else: return V6HostAddress(v6=addr) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: print("1. Find all containers") print("2. Find all networks") print("3. Create new network") print("4. Delete network") print("5. Allocate host by IP") print("6. Allocate host by network CIDR") print("7. Allocate host by service type") print("8. Delete host by IP") print("9. Exit") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == '1': ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): ")) containers = find_containers(ip_version=ip_version) print(json.dumps(containers, indent=2)) elif choice == '2': ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): ")) networks = find_networks(ip_version=ip_version) print(json.dumps(networks, indent=2)) elif choice == '3': service_type = input("Enter service type: ") ip_version = int(input("Enter IP version (4 or 6): ")) if ip_version == 4: new_network = allocate_service_ipv4_network(service_type=service_type) elif ip_version == 6: new_network = allocate_service_ipv6_network(service_type=service_type) else: print("Invalid IP version. Please enter either 4 or 6.") continue print(json.dumps(str(new_network), indent=2)) elif choice == '4': network = input("Enter network to delete (in CIDR notation): ") deleted_network = delete_network(network=network) print(json.dumps(str(deleted_network), indent=2)) elif choice == '5': hostname = input("Enter host name: ") addr = input("Enter IP address to allocate: ") mac = ":".join(["{:02x}".format(random.randint(0x00, 0xff)) for i in range(6)]) #input("Enter MAC address (you can leave empty if IPv6): ") alloc_ip = allocate_host(hostname=hostname, addr=addr, mac=mac) print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2)) elif choice == '6': hostname = input("Enter host name: ") network = input("Enter an existing network to allocate from (in CIDR notation): ") mac = ":".join(["{:02x}".format(random.randint(0x00, 0xff)) for i in range(6)]) #input("Enter MAC address (you can leave empty if IPv6): ") alloc_ip = allocate_host(hostname=hostname, network=network, mac=mac) print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2)) elif choice == '7': print("Not implemented.") continue hostname = input("Enter host name: ") service_type = input("Enter service type: ") mac = ":".join(["{:02x}".format(random.randint(0x00, 0xff)) for i in range(6)]) #input("Enter MAC address (you can leave empty if IPv6): ") alloc_ip = allocate_host(hostname=hostname, service_type=service_type, mac=mac) print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2)) elif choice == '8': addr = input("Enter IP address of host to delete: ") deleted_host = delete_host_by_ip(addr=addr) print(json.dumps(str(deleted_host), indent=2)) elif choice == '9': print("Exiting...") break else: print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")