"""The main entrypoint for :term:`GSO`, and the different ways in which it can be run.""" from gso import monkeypatches # noqa: F401, isort:skip import typer from orchestrator import OrchestratorCore, app_settings from orchestrator.cli.main import app as cli_app # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import gso.products import gso.workflows # noqa: F401 from gso.api import router as api_router from gso.middlewares import ModifyProcessEndpointResponse def init_gso_app() -> OrchestratorCore: """Initialise the :term:`GSO` app.""" app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=app_settings) app.include_router(api_router, prefix="/api") app.add_middleware(ModifyProcessEndpointResponse) return app def init_worker_app() -> OrchestratorCore: """Initialise a :term:`GSO` instance as Celery worker.""" return OrchestratorCore(base_settings=app_settings) def init_cli_app() -> typer.Typer: """Initialise :term:`GSO` as a CLI application.""" from gso.cli import imports, netbox # noqa: PLC0415 cli_app.add_typer(imports.app, name="import-cli") cli_app.add_typer(netbox.app, name="netbox-cli") return cli_app()