from typing import Any from uuid import UUID from orchestrator.db import ( ProcessTable, ProductTable, ResourceTypeTable, SubscriptionInstanceTable, SubscriptionInstanceValueTable, SubscriptionTable, ) from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle from gso.products import ProductType SubscriptionType = dict[str, Any] def get_active_subscriptions( product_type: str, includes: list[str] | None = None, excludes: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[SubscriptionType]: """Retrieve active subscriptions for a specific product type. :param product_type: The type of the product for which to retrieve subscriptions. :type product_type: str :param includes: List of fields to be included in the returned Subscription objects. :type includes: list[str] :param excludes: List of fields to be excluded from the returned Subscription objects. :type excludes: list[str] :return: A list of Subscription objects that match the query. :rtype: list[Subscription] """ if not includes: includes = [ for col in SubscriptionTable.__table__.columns] if excludes: includes = [field for field in includes if field not in excludes] dynamic_fields = [getattr(SubscriptionTable, field) for field in includes] query = SubscriptionTable.query.join(ProductTable).filter( ProductTable.product_type == product_type, SubscriptionTable.status == SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE, ) results = query.with_entities(*dynamic_fields).all() return [dict(zip(includes, result)) for result in results] def get_active_site_subscriptions(includes: list[str] | None = None) -> list[SubscriptionType]: """Retrieve active subscriptions specifically for sites. :param includes: The fields to be included in the returned Subscription objects. :type includes: list[str] :return: A list of Subscription objects for sites. :rtype: list[Subscription] """ return get_active_subscriptions(product_type=ProductType.SITE, includes=includes) def get_active_router_subscriptions(includes: list[str] | None = None) -> list[SubscriptionType]: """Retrieve active subscriptions specifically for routers. :param includes: The fields to be included in the returned Subscription objects. :type includes: list[str] :return: A list of Subscription objects for routers. :rtype: list[Subscription] """ return get_active_subscriptions(product_type=ProductType.ROUTER, includes=includes) def get_product_id_by_name(product_name: ProductType) -> UUID: """Retrieve the :term:`UUID` of a product by its name. :param product_name: The name of the product. :type product_name: ProductType :return UUID: The :term:`UUID` of the product. :rtype: UUID """ return ProductTable.query.filter_by(name=product_name).first().product_id def get_active_subscriptions_by_field_and_value(field_name: str, field_value: str) -> list[SubscriptionTable]: """Retrieve a list of active subscriptions based on a specified field and its value. :param field_name: The name of the field to filter by. :type field_name: str :param field_value: The value of the field to match against. :type field_value: Any :return: A list of active Subscription objects that match the criteria. :rtype: List[SubscriptionTable] """ return ( SubscriptionTable.query.join(ProductTable) .join(SubscriptionInstanceTable) .join(SubscriptionInstanceValueTable) .join(ResourceTypeTable) .filter(SubscriptionInstanceValueTable.value == field_value) .filter(ResourceTypeTable.resource_type == field_name) .filter(SubscriptionTable.status == SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE) .all() ) def count_incomplete_validate_products() -> int: """Count the number of incomplete validate_products processes. Returns ------- int The count of incomplete 'validate_products' processes. """ return ProcessTable.query.filter( ProcessTable.workflow_name == "validate_products", ProcessTable.last_status != "completed" ).count() def get_insync_subscriptions() -> list[SubscriptionTable]: """Retrieve all subscriptions that are currently in sync.""" return SubscriptionTable.query.join(ProductTable).filter(SubscriptionTable.insync.is_(True)).all()