diff --git a/gso/workflows/router/create_router.py b/gso/workflows/router/create_router.py
index 48fb14a9854da7ae4301ebd676225bef83929881..7e7f55bd0f2a816d9b3b524a2373e69a94366407 100644
--- a/gso/workflows/router/create_router.py
+++ b/gso/workflows/router/create_router.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from gso.services import infoblox, subscriptions
 from gso.services.lso_client import lso_interaction
 from gso.services.netbox_client import NetboxClient
 from gso.services.partners import get_partner_by_name
-from gso.settings import load_oss_params
+from gso.services.sharepoint import SPClient
 from gso.utils.helpers import generate_fqdn, iso_from_ipv4
 from gso.utils.shared_enums import PortNumber, Vendor
 from gso.utils.workflow_steps import deploy_base_config_dry, deploy_base_config_real, run_checks_after_base_config
@@ -218,19 +218,23 @@ def prompt_insert_in_radius(subscription: RouterInactive) -> FormGenerator:
     return {}
+@step("Create a new SharePoint checklist")
+def create_new_sharepoint_checklist(subscription: RouterProvisioning) -> State:
+    """Create a new checklist in SharePoint for approving this router."""
+    new_list_item_url = SPClient().add_list_item("p_router", {"Title": subscription.router.router_fqdn})
+    return {"checklist_url": new_list_item_url}
 @inputstep("Prompt for new Sharepoint checklist", assignee=Assignee.SYSTEM)
-def prompt_start_new_checklist(subscription: RouterProvisioning) -> FormGenerator:
-    """Prompt the operator to start a new checklist in Sharepoint for approving this new router."""
-    oss_params = load_oss_params()
+def prompt_sharepoint_checklist_url(checklist_url: str) -> FormGenerator:
+    """Prompt the operator with the checklist in SharePoint for approving this new router."""
     class SharepointPrompt(FormPage):
-        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Start new checklist")
+        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Complete new checklist")
-        info_label_1: Label = (
-            f"Visit {oss_params.SHAREPOINT.checklist_site_url} and start a new Sharepoint checklist for "
-            f"{subscription.router.router_fqdn}."
-        )
-        info_label_2: Label = "Once this is done, click proceed to finish the workflow."
+        info_label_1: Label = f"A new checklist has been created at: {checklist_url}"
+        info_label_2: Label = "Click proceed to finish the workflow."
     yield SharepointPrompt
@@ -269,7 +273,8 @@ def create_router() -> StepList:
         >> router_is_nokia(create_netbox_device)
         >> lso_interaction(run_checks_after_base_config)
         >> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING)
-        >> prompt_start_new_checklist
+        >> create_new_sharepoint_checklist
+        >> prompt_sharepoint_checklist_url
         >> resync
         >> done