diff --git a/gso/schedules/clean_old_tasks.py b/gso/schedules/clean_old_tasks.py
index c37d44450209a90033f66b36094e91b6f5403442..c05543d355ac359f579f4517956bf85283da3113 100644
--- a/gso/schedules/clean_old_tasks.py
+++ b/gso/schedules/clean_old_tasks.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from gso.worker import celery
-@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Clean up tasks", hour="3"))
+@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Clean up tasks", hour="23"))
 def clean_old_tasks() -> None:
-    """Run all cleanup tasks every 3 AM UTC."""
+    """Run all cleanup tasks every 11 PM UTC."""
diff --git a/gso/schedules/task_vacuum.py b/gso/schedules/task_vacuum.py
index be04380f8caaf53152f77ca129ba74b9d63bd164..de4d44842f485cc8df41f9c01eed3ead2d651a30 100644
--- a/gso/schedules/task_vacuum.py
+++ b/gso/schedules/task_vacuum.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from gso.worker import celery
-@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Clean up tasks", hour="*/6"))
+@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Clean up tasks", hour="1"))
 def vacuum_tasks() -> None:
-    """Run all cleanup tasks every 6 hours."""
+    """Run all cleanup tasks every 1 AM UTC."""
diff --git a/gso/schedules/validate_products.py b/gso/schedules/validate_products.py
index eeb689a247e337272a5f96eb5992a87e26227dc7..9d8e6f18a2ab6dcbf684f16f0a100b530df02b6c 100644
--- a/gso/schedules/validate_products.py
+++ b/gso/schedules/validate_products.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from orchestrator.services.processes import start_process
 from gso.schedules.scheduling import CronScheduleConfig, scheduler
-from gso.services.subscriptions import count_incomplete_validate_products
+from gso.services.processes import count_incomplete_validate_products
 from gso.worker import celery
diff --git a/gso/services/processes.py b/gso/services/processes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a146da90780a9d47647f88f7245f27793f198a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gso/services/processes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+"""A collection of methods that make interaction with coreDB more straight-forward.
+This prevents someone from having to re-write database statements many times, that might turn out to be erroneous
+or inconsistent when not careful. These methods are related to operations regarding processes and workflows.
+from orchestrator.db import ProcessTable, WorkflowTable, db
+from orchestrator.devtools.populator import UUIDstr
+from orchestrator.workflow import ProcessStatus
+from sqlalchemy import ScalarResult, or_, select
+def count_incomplete_validate_products() -> int:
+    """Count the number of incomplete validate_geant_products processes.
+    :return: The count of incomplete 'validate_geant_products' processes.
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    return ProcessTable.query.filter(
+        ProcessTable.workflow_name == "validate_geant_products",
+        ProcessTable.last_status != ProcessStatus.COMPLETED.value,
+    ).count()
+def get_failed_tasks() -> list[ProcessTable]:
+    """Get all tasks that have failed."""
+    return ProcessTable.query.filter(
+        ProcessTable.is_task.is_(True), ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.FAILED.value
+    ).all()
+def get_all_cleanup_tasks() -> list[WorkflowTable]:
+    """Get a list of all cleanup tasks that run on a schedule."""
+    return WorkflowTable.query.filter(
+        or_(WorkflowTable.name == "task_clean_up_tasks", WorkflowTable.name == "task_clean_old_tasks")
+    ).all()
+def get_created_and_completed_processes_by_id(workflow_id: UUIDstr) -> ScalarResult:
+    """Get all processes that are either created or completed, by workflow ID."""
+    return db.session.scalars(
+        select(ProcessTable)
+        .filter(ProcessTable.is_task.is_(True))
+        .filter(ProcessTable.workflow_id == workflow_id)
+        .filter(
+            or_(
+                ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.COMPLETED.value,
+                ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.CREATED.value,
+            )
+        )
+    )
diff --git a/gso/services/subscriptions.py b/gso/services/subscriptions.py
index 85d3972630333ec4295c7bb624b04ac050978e97..e0a6211cccda945d4eff7a88ad3920e9dd543104 100644
--- a/gso/services/subscriptions.py
+++ b/gso/services/subscriptions.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """A collection of methods that make interaction with coreDB more straight-forward.
 This prevents someone from having to re-write database statements many times, that might turn out to be erroneous
-or inconsistent when not careful.
+or inconsistent when not careful. These methods relate to operations on subscriptions.
 from typing import Any
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from uuid import UUID
 from orchestrator.db import (
-    ProcessTable,
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ from orchestrator.db import (
 from orchestrator.domain import SubscriptionModel
 from orchestrator.services.subscriptions import query_in_use_by_subscriptions
 from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle
-from orchestrator.workflow import ProcessStatus
 from pydantic_forms.types import UUIDstr
 from gso.products import ProductName, ProductType
@@ -200,25 +198,6 @@ def get_active_subscriptions_by_field_and_value(field_name: str, field_value: st
-def count_incomplete_validate_products() -> int:
-    """Count the number of incomplete validate_geant_products processes.
-    :return: The count of incomplete 'validate_geant_products' processes.
-    :rtype: int
-    """
-    return ProcessTable.query.filter(
-        ProcessTable.workflow_name == "validate_geant_products",
-        ProcessTable.last_status != ProcessStatus.COMPLETED.value,
-    ).count()
-def get_failed_tasks() -> list[ProcessTable]:
-    """Get all tasks that have failed."""
-    return ProcessTable.query.filter(
-        ProcessTable.is_task.is_(True), ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.FAILED.value
-    ).all()
 def get_subscription_by_process_id(process_id: str) -> SubscriptionModel | None:
     """Get a subscription from a process ID."""
     subscription_table = ProcessSubscriptionTable.query.filter(
diff --git a/gso/workflows/tasks/clean_old_tasks.py b/gso/workflows/tasks/clean_old_tasks.py
index 963e108f7c959bb273a772d9d37e50be1b239d2d..cdc9a0decf57fda5de80b3ad14092ad326d4a054 100644
--- a/gso/workflows/tasks/clean_old_tasks.py
+++ b/gso/workflows/tasks/clean_old_tasks.py
@@ -1,30 +1,19 @@
 """A cleanup task for removing past runs."""
-from orchestrator.db import ProcessTable, WorkflowTable, db
+from orchestrator.db import db
 from orchestrator.targets import Target
-from orchestrator.workflow import ProcessStatus, StepList, begin, done, step, workflow
-from sqlalchemy import or_, select
+from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, begin, done, step, workflow
+from gso.services.processes import get_all_cleanup_tasks, get_created_and_completed_processes_by_id
 @step("Clean up all cleanup tasks")
 def remove_meta_tasks() -> None:
     """Find and remove runs of old cleanup tasks."""
-    cleanup_tasks = WorkflowTable.query.filter(
-        or_(WorkflowTable.name == "task_clean_up_tasks", WorkflowTable.name == "task_clean_old_tasks")
-    ).all()
+    cleanup_tasks = get_all_cleanup_tasks()
     for cleanup_task in cleanup_tasks:
-        tasks = db.session.scalars(
-            select(ProcessTable)
-            .filter(ProcessTable.is_task.is_(True))
-            .filter(ProcessTable.workflow_id == cleanup_task.workflow_id)
-            .filter(
-                or_(
-                    ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.COMPLETED.value,
-                    ProcessTable.last_status == ProcessStatus.CREATED.value,
-                )
-            )
-        )
+        tasks = get_created_and_completed_processes_by_id(cleanup_task.workflow_id)
         for task in tasks:
diff --git a/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py b/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
index f346cf1f5d14db2f1b00e9307ae22b83b609066d..42b94bd421f4d2e45af354efa00205f975530c07 100644
--- a/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
+++ b/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from orchestrator.types import State
 from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, conditional, done, init, step, workflow
 from gso.services.mailer import send_mail
-from gso.services.subscriptions import get_failed_tasks, get_subscription_by_process_id
+from gso.services.processes import get_failed_tasks
+from gso.services.subscriptions import get_subscription_by_process_id
 from gso.settings import load_oss_params