diff --git a/docs/source/module/workflows/index.rst b/docs/source/module/workflows/index.rst
index d3f0d0a2eff42a8f3693d7c04f83e05ad2bdf6c1..3ee41bad0534418b8417ef5cd037795a9681628d 100644
--- a/docs/source/module/workflows/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/module/workflows/index.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ Subpackages
+   opengear/index
-   opengear/index
+   tasks/index
diff --git a/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/index.rst b/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..640f1184ec743d2bab5f0b183e85103ca8a6b8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. automodule:: gso.workflows.tasks
+   :members:
+   :show-inheritance:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :titlesonly:
+   validate_geant_products
diff --git a/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.rst b/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..540b73460053cae0aad8fdb9a3b3ba7b68dc719c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/module/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. automodule:: gso.workflows.tasks.validate_geant_products
+   :members:
+   :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/gso/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.py b/gso/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.py
index 8bad9d6dc88f6dbe3474e161b7d514964af9827a..cb5ac3c83108e6f4e68e59d13e76027b576871de 100644
--- a/gso/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.py
+++ b/gso/workflows/tasks/validate_geant_products.py
@@ -14,178 +14,16 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from typing import Any
-import orchestrator.workflows
-from more_itertools.more import one
-from more_itertools.recipes import first_true
-from orchestrator.db import FixedInputTable, ProductTable, SubscriptionTable, db
-from orchestrator.domain.base import SubscriptionModel
-from orchestrator.services import products
-from orchestrator.services.products import get_products
-from orchestrator.services.translations import generate_translations
-from orchestrator.services.workflows import get_workflow_by_name, get_workflows
 from orchestrator.targets import Target
-from orchestrator.types import State
-from orchestrator.utils.errors import ProcessFailureError
-from orchestrator.utils.fixed_inputs import fixed_input_configuration as fi_configuration
-from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, done, init, step, workflow
-from pydantic import ValidationError
-from sqlalchemy import not_, select
-from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
-#  Since these errors are probably programming failures we should not throw AssertionErrors
-@step("Check all workflows in database")
-def check_all_workflows_are_in_db() -> State:
-    """Validate that all workflows exist in the database."""
-    all_workflows_in_db = {k.name for k in get_workflows()}
-    all_workflows = {k for k in orchestrator.workflows.ALL_WORKFLOWS.keys()}  # noqa: C416, SIM118
-    not_in_db = all_workflows - all_workflows_in_db
-    not_in_lwi = all_workflows_in_db - all_workflows
-    if not_in_db or not_in_lwi:
-        msg = "Found missing workflows in database or implementations"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(
-            msg,
-            {
-                "Workflows not registered in the database": list(not_in_db),
-                "Workflows not registered in a `LazyWorkflowInstance`": list(not_in_lwi),
-            },
-        )
-    return {"check_all_workflows_are_in_db": True}
-@step("Check workflows for matching targets and descriptions")
-def check_workflows_for_matching_targets_and_descriptions() -> State:
-    """Validate that all workflows' targets and descriptions match up."""
-    workflow_assertions = []
-    for key, lazy_wf in orchestrator.workflows.ALL_WORKFLOWS.items():
-        wf = lazy_wf.instantiate()
-        db_workflow = get_workflow_by_name(key)
-        # Test workflows might not exist in the database
-        if db_workflow and (
-            wf.target != db_workflow.target or wf.name != db_workflow.name or wf.description != db_workflow.description
-        ):
-            message = (
-                f"Workflow {wf.name}: {wf.target} <=> {db_workflow.target}, "
-                f"{wf.name} <=> {db_workflow.name} and {wf.description} <=> {db_workflow.description}. "
-            )
-            workflow_assertions.append(message)
-    if workflow_assertions:
-        workflow_message = "\n".join(workflow_assertions)
-        msg = "Workflows with none matching targets and descriptions"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, workflow_message)
-    # Check translations
-    translations = generate_translations("en-GB")["workflow"]
-    workflow_assertions = []
-    for key in orchestrator.workflows.ALL_WORKFLOWS:
-        if key not in translations:
-            workflow_assertions.append(key)
-    if workflow_assertions:
-        workflow_message = "\n".join(workflow_assertions)
-        msg = "Workflows with missing translations"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, workflow_message)
-    return {"check_workflows_for_matching_targets_and_descriptions": True}
-@step("Check that all products have at least one workflow")
-def check_that_products_have_at_least_one_workflow() -> State:
-    """All products must have at least one workflow associated to it."""
-    stmt = select(ProductTable).filter(not_(ProductTable.workflows.any())).with_only_columns(ProductTable.name)
-    prods_without_wf = db.session.scalars(stmt).all()
-    if prods_without_wf:
-        msg = "Found products that do not have a workflow associated with them"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, prods_without_wf)
-    return {"check_that_products_have_at_least_one_workflow": True}
-@step("Check that all products have a create, modify, terminate and validate workflow")
-def check_that_products_have_create_modify_and_terminate_workflows() -> State:
-    """All products must have a workflow for every workflow target that exists."""
-    workflow_targets = ["CREATE", "TERMINATE", "MODIFY", "SYSTEM"]
-    product_data = get_products(filters=[ProductTable.status == "active"])
-    workflows_not_complete: list = []
-    for product in product_data:
-        workflows = {c.target for c in product.workflows if c.target in workflow_targets and c.name != "modify_note"}
-        if len(workflows) < len(workflow_targets):
-            workflows_not_complete.append(product.name)
-    # Do not raise an error but only report it in the `State` to allow exceptions.
-    return {
-        "products_without_at_least_create_modify_terminate_validate_workflows": workflows_not_complete,
-        "check_that_products_have_create_modify_and_terminate_workflows": True,
-    }
-@step("Check the DB fixed input config")
-def check_db_fixed_input_config() -> State:
-    """Validate the configuration of fixed inputs in the database."""
-    fixed_input_configuration = fi_configuration()
-    product_tags = products.get_tags()
-    stmt = select(FixedInputTable).options(joinedload(FixedInputTable.product))
-    fixed_inputs = db.session.scalars(stmt)
-    data: dict = {"fixed_inputs": [], "by_tag": {}}
-    errors: list = []
-    for tag in product_tags:
-        data["by_tag"][tag] = []
-    for fi in fixed_inputs:
-        fi_data: dict = first_true(
-            fixed_input_configuration["fixed_inputs"],
-            {},
-            lambda i: i["name"] == fi.name,  # noqa: B023
-        )
-        if not fi_data:
-            errors.append(fi)
-        if fi.value not in fi_data["values"]:
-            errors.append(fi)
-        tag_data = {one(fi) for fi in fixed_input_configuration["by_tag"][fi.product.tag]}
-        tag_data_required = {one(fi) for fi in fixed_input_configuration["by_tag"][fi.product.tag] if fi[one(fi)]}
-        if not tag_data:
-            errors.append(fi)
-        if {fi.name for fi in fi.product.fixed_inputs} - set(tag_data):
-            errors.append(fi.product.name)
-        if set(tag_data_required) - {fi.name for fi in fi.product.fixed_inputs}:
-            errors.append(fi.product.name)
-    if errors:
-        msg = "Errors in fixed input config"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, errors)
-    return {"check_db_fixed_input_config": True}
-@step("Check subscription models")
-def check_subscription_models() -> State:
-    """Try and load all subscription models, to see whether any fail to load."""
-    subscriptions = db.session.scalars(select(SubscriptionTable))
-    failures: dict[str, Any] = {}
-    for subscription in subscriptions:
-        try:
-            SubscriptionModel.from_subscription(subscription.subscription_id)
-        except ValidationError as e:
-            failures[str(subscription.subscription_id)] = e.errors()
-        except Exception as e:  # noqa: BLE001
-            failures[str(subscription.subscription_id)] = str(e)
-    if failures:
-        msg = "Found subscriptions that could not be loaded"
-        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, failures)
-    return {"check_subscription_models": True}
+from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, done, init, workflow
+from orchestrator.workflows.tasks.validate_products import (
+    check_all_workflows_are_in_db,
+    check_db_fixed_input_config,
+    check_subscription_models,
+    check_that_products_have_at_least_one_workflow,
+    check_that_products_have_create_modify_and_terminate_workflows,
+    check_workflows_for_matching_targets_and_descriptions,
 @workflow("Validate GEANT products", target=Target.SYSTEM)