diff --git a/test/conftest.py b/test/conftest.py
index 5b1e91f17ff182286d05db81dddd1e9f2b73f891..d27d20d4be345b085598189156d82a0cd13659d7 100644
--- a/test/conftest.py
+++ b/test/conftest.py
@@ -36,13 +36,17 @@ from gso.main import init_gso_app
 from gso.services.partners import PartnerSchema, create_partner
 from gso.utils.types.interfaces import LAGMember, LAGMemberList
 from test.fixtures import (  # noqa: F401
+    bgp_session_subscription_factory,
+    geant_ip_subscription_factory,
+    nren_access_port_factory,
+    service_binding_port_factory,
diff --git a/test/fixtures/__init__.py b/test/fixtures/__init__.py
index 2269a6b867b32a9adc6179b0f814e89b82cd2352..a5849b0d4e1023676adf6e87d2d34690579fb807 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/__init__.py
+++ b/test/fixtures/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 from test.fixtures.edge_port_fixtures import edge_port_subscription_factory
+from test.fixtures.geant_ip_fixtures import (
+    bgp_session_subscription_factory,
+    geant_ip_subscription_factory,
+    nren_access_port_factory,
+    service_binding_port_factory,
 from test.fixtures.iptrunk_fixtures import iptrunk_side_subscription_factory, iptrunk_subscription_factory
 from test.fixtures.office_router_fixtures import office_router_subscription_factory
 from test.fixtures.opengear_fixtures import opengear_subscription_factory
@@ -16,4 +22,8 @@ __all__ = [
+    "geant_ip_subscription_factory",
+    "bgp_session_subscription_factory",
+    "service_binding_port_factory",
+    "nren_access_port_factory",
diff --git a/test/fixtures/geant_ip_fixtures.py b/test/fixtures/geant_ip_fixtures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a703a121ca6860235619dd3d74fb0a6282b11b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/geant_ip_fixtures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import random
+from uuid import uuid4
+import pytest
+from orchestrator.db import db
+from orchestrator.domain import SubscriptionModel
+from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle, UUIDstr
+from gso.products import EdgePort, ProductName
+from gso.products.product_blocks.bgp_session import BGPSession, IPFamily
+from gso.products.product_blocks.geant_ip import NRENAccessPort
+from gso.products.product_blocks.service_binding_port import ServiceBindingPort
+from gso.products.product_types.geant_ip import GeantIPInactive
+from gso.services import subscriptions
+from gso.utils.shared_enums import APType, SBPType
+from gso.utils.types.ip_address import IPAddress
+def bgp_session_subscription_factory(faker):
+    def create_bgp_session(
+            peer_address: IPAddress | None = None,
+            bfd_interval: int = 2,
+            bfd_multiplier: int = 2,
+            families: list[IPFamily] | None = None,
+            authentication_key: str | None = None,
+            *,
+            is_multi_hop: bool = False,
+            has_custom_policies: bool = False,
+            bfd_enabled: bool = True,
+            multipath_enabled: bool | None = True,
+            send_default_route: bool | None = True,
+    ):
+        return BGPSession.new(
+            subscription_id=uuid4(),
+            peer_address=peer_address or faker.ipv4(),
+            bfd_enabled=bfd_enabled,
+            families=families or [IPFamily.V4UNICAST],
+            has_custom_policies=has_custom_policies,
+            authentication_key=authentication_key or faker.password(),
+            multipath_enabled=multipath_enabled,
+            send_default_route=send_default_route,
+            is_multi_hop=is_multi_hop,
+            bfd_interval=bfd_interval,
+            bfd_multiplier=bfd_multiplier,
+        )
+    return create_bgp_session
+def service_binding_port_factory(faker, bgp_session_subscription_factory):
+    def create_service_binding_port(
+            sbp_bgp_session_list: list | None = None,
+            geant_sid: str | None = None,
+            sbp_type: SBPType = SBPType.L3,
+            ipv4_address: str | None = None,
+            ipv6_address: str | None = None,
+            vlan_id: int | None = None,
+            *,
+            custom_firewall_filters: bool = False,
+            is_tagged: bool = False,
+    ):
+        return ServiceBindingPort.new(
+            subscription_id=uuid4(),
+            is_tagged=is_tagged,
+            vlan_id=vlan_id or faker.pyint(min_value=1, max_value=4096),
+            sbp_type=sbp_type,
+            ipv4_address=ipv4_address or faker.ipv4(),
+            ipv6_address=ipv6_address or faker.ipv6(),
+            custom_firewall_filters=custom_firewall_filters,
+            geant_sid=geant_sid or faker.geant_sid(),
+            sbp_bgp_session_list=sbp_bgp_session_list or [bgp_session_subscription_factory() for _ in range(2)],
+        )
+    return create_service_binding_port
+def nren_access_port_factory(faker, edge_port_subscription_factory):
+    def create_nren_access_port(
+            nren_ap_type: APType | None = None,
+            edge_port: UUIDstr | None = None,
+    ):
+        edge_port = edge_port or edge_port_subscription_factory()
+        geant_ip_ep = EdgePort.from_subscription(edge_port).edge_port
+        return NRENAccessPort.new(
+            subscription_id=uuid4(),
+            nren_ap_type=nren_ap_type or random.choice(list(APType)),  # noqa: S311
+            geant_ip_ep=geant_ip_ep,
+        )
+    return create_nren_access_port
+def geant_ip_subscription_factory(
+        faker,
+        partner_factory,
+        edge_port_subscription_factory,
+        bgp_session_subscription_factory,
+        service_binding_port_factory,
+        nren_access_port_factory,
+    def create_geant_ip_subscription(
+            description=None,
+            partner: dict | None = None,
+            nren_ap_list: list[NRENAccessPort] | None = None,
+            start_date="2023-05-24T00:00:00+00:00",
+            status: SubscriptionLifecycle | None = None,
+    ) -> UUIDstr:
+        product_id = subscriptions.get_product_id_by_name(ProductName.GEANT_IP)
+        partner = partner or partner_factory(name=faker.company(), email=faker.email())
+        # Create GEANT IP subscription with product_id and partner details
+        geant_ip_subscription = GeantIPInactive.from_product_id(
+            product_id, customer_id=partner["partner_id"], insync=True
+        )
+        # Default nren_ap_list creation with primary and backup access ports
+        nren_ap_list = nren_ap_list or [
+            nren_access_port_factory(nren_ap_type=APType.PRIMARY,
+                                     edge_port=edge_port_subscription_factory(partner=partner)),
+            nren_access_port_factory(nren_ap_type=APType.BACKUP,
+                                     edge_port=edge_port_subscription_factory(partner=partner)),
+        ]
+        # Assign and save edge port and service binding ports
+        for nren_ap in nren_ap_list:
+            edge_port = nren_ap.geant_ip_ep
+            edge_port.edge_port_sbp_list = [
+                service_binding_port_factory(),
+                service_binding_port_factory(),
+            ]
+        # Update subscription with description, start date, and status
+        geant_ip_subscription = SubscriptionModel.from_other_lifecycle(
+            geant_ip_subscription,
+            SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE,
+        )
+        if status:
+            geant_ip_subscription.status = status
+        geant_ip_subscription.description = description or faker.text(max_nb_chars=30)
+        geant_ip_subscription.start_date = start_date
+        geant_ip_subscription.status = status or SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE
+        geant_ip_subscription.save()
+        db.session.commit()
+        return str(geant_ip_subscription.subscription_id)
+    return create_geant_ip_subscription