diff --git a/gso/services/_ipam.py b/gso/services/_ipam.py
index 2707a53ddc0ef4c2111baca5b8ac640f80a9b614..a13ccad81084b9e0746c6264bceb3c4e38d05bd5 100644
--- a/gso/services/_ipam.py
+++ b/gso/services/_ipam.py
@@ -109,39 +109,6 @@ def _find_networks(network_container=None, network=None, ip_version=4):
     return r.json()
-def _get_network_capacity(network=None):
-    """
-    Get utilization of a IPv4 network in a fraction of 1000.
-    """
-    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
-    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
-    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
-    ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)
-    assert ip_version == 4, "Utilization is only available for IPv4 networks."
-    params = {
-        'network': network,
-        '_return_fields': 'network,total_hosts,utilization'
-    }
-    r = requests.get(
-        f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/network',
-        params=params,
-        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username,
-                           infoblox_params.password),
-        verify=False
-    )
-    # Utilization info takes several minutes to converge.
-    # The IPAM utilization bar in the GUI as well. Why?
-    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, \
-        f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
-    capacity_info = r.json()
-    assert len(capacity_info) == 1, "Requested IPv4 network doesn't exist."
-    assert 'utilization' in capacity_info[0]
-    utilization = capacity_info[0]['utilization']
-    return utilization
 def _allocate_network(
     infoblox_params: settings.InfoBloxParams,
     network_params: Union[settings.V4NetworkParams, settings.V6NetworkParams],
@@ -254,42 +221,64 @@ def _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params, network_ref):
     return received_ip[0]
-def _allocate_host(hostname=None, addr=None, network=None, extattrs={}
-                   ) -> Union[V4HostAddress, V6HostAddress]:
+def _allocate_host(hostname=None,
+                   addrs=None,
+                   networks=None,
+                   extattrs={}
+                   ) -> HostAddresses:
-    If network is not None, allocate host in that network.
-    Otherwise if addr is not None, allocate host with that address.
+    If networks is not None, allocate host in those networks.
+    Otherwise if addrs is not None, allocate host with those addresses.
     hostname parameter must be full name including domain name.
     # TODO: should hostnames be unique
     # (i.e. fail if hostname already exists in this domain/service)?
-    assert addr or network, \
-        "You must specify either the host address or the network CIDR."
+    assert addrs or networks, \
+        "You must specify either the host addresses or the networks CIDR."
     oss = settings.load_oss_params()
     assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
     infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
-    if network:
-        ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)
-        # Find the next available IP address in the network
-        network_info = _find_networks(network=network, ip_version=ip_version)
+    if networks:
+        ipv4_network = networks[0]
+        ipv6_network = networks[1]
+        assert _ip_network_version(ipv4_network) == 4
+        assert _ip_network_version(ipv6_network) == 6
+        # Find the next available IP address in each network
+        network_info = _find_networks(network=ipv4_network, ip_version=4)
+        assert len(network_info) == 1, \
+            "IPv4 Network does not exist. Create it first."
+        assert '_ref' in network_info[0]
+        ipv4_addr = _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params,
+                                            network_info[0]["_ref"])
+        network_info = _find_networks(network=ipv6_network, ip_version=6)
         assert len(network_info) == 1, \
-            "Network does not exist. Create it first."
+            "IPv6 Network does not exist. Create it first."
         assert '_ref' in network_info[0]
-        addr = _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params,
-                                       network_info[0]["_ref"])
+        ipv6_addr = _find_next_available_ip(infoblox_params,
+                                            network_info[0]["_ref"])
-        ip_version = _ip_addr_version(addr)
+        ipv4_addr = addrs[0]
+        ipv6_addr = addrs[1]
+        assert _ip_addr_version(ipv4_addr) == 4
+        assert _ip_addr_version(ipv6_addr) == 6
     ip_req_payload = {
-        f"ipv{ip_version}addrs": [
+        "ipv4addrs": [
-                f"ipv{ip_version}addr": addr
+                "ipv4addr": ipv4_addr
+            }
+        ],
+        "ipv6addrs": [
+            {
+                "ipv6addr": ipv6_addr
         "name": hostname,
-        "configure_for_dns": False,
+        "configure_for_dns": True,
         "view": "default",
         "extattrs": extattrs
@@ -306,31 +295,8 @@ def _allocate_host(hostname=None, addr=None, network=None, extattrs={}
     assert isinstance(r.json(), str)
     assert r.json().startswith("record:host/")
-    dns_req_payload = {
-        f"ipv{ip_version}addr": addr,
-        "name": hostname,
-        "view": "default",
-        "extattrs": extattrs
-    }
-    endpoint = 'record:a' if ip_version == 4 else 'record:aaaa'
-    r = requests.post(
-        f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/{endpoint}',
-        json=dns_req_payload,
-        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username,
-                           infoblox_params.password),
-        verify=False
-    )
-    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, \
-        f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
-    assert isinstance(r.json(), str)
-    assert r.json().startswith(f"{endpoint}/")
-    if ip_version == 4:
-        return V4HostAddress(v4=addr)
-    else:
-        return V6HostAddress(v6=addr)
+    return HostAddresses(v4=ipaddress.ip_address(ipv4_addr),
+                         v6=ipaddress.ip_address(ipv6_addr))
 def allocate_service_host(hostname=None,
@@ -340,19 +306,16 @@ def allocate_service_host(hostname=None,
                           ) -> HostAddresses:
-    Allocate host with both IPv4 and IPv6 address (and respective DNS
-    records).
-    The domain name is also taken from the service type and appended to
-    specified hostname.
-    If service_networks is provided, that one is used.
-    If service_networks is not provided, and host_addresses is provided,
+    Allocate host record with both IPv4 and IPv6 address, and respective DNS
+    A and AAAA records.
+    - If service_networks is provided, that one is used.
+    - If service_networks is not provided, and host_addresses is provided,
     those specific addresses are used.
-    If neither is not provided, the first network with available space for
-    this service type is used.
-        Note that if WFO will always specify the network/addresses after
-        creating it, this mode won't be needed. Currently this mode doesn't
-        look further than the first container, so if needed, this will need
-        to be updated.
+    - If neither is not provided, new ipv4 and ipv6 networks are created and
+    those are used. Note that in this case extattrs is for the hosts and not
+    for the networks.
+    The domain name is taken from the service type and appended to the
+    specified hostname.
     oss = settings.load_oss_params()
     assert oss.IPAM
@@ -364,74 +327,59 @@ def allocate_service_host(hostname=None,
     ipv6_containers = getattr(ipam_params, service_type).V6.containers
     domain_name = getattr(ipam_params, service_type).domain_name
-    # IPv4
     if not service_networks and not host_addresses:
-        ipv4_networks_info = _find_networks(
-            network_container=str(ipv4_containers[0]), ip_version=4)
-        assert len(ipv4_networks_info) >= 1, \
-            "No IPv4 network exists in the container for this service type."
-        first_nonfull_ipv4_network = None
-        for ipv4_network_info in ipv4_networks_info:
-            assert 'network' in ipv4_network_info
-            capacity = _get_network_capacity(ipv4_network_info["network"])
-            if capacity < 1000:
-                first_nonfull_ipv4_network = ipv4_network_info["network"]
-                break
-        # Create a new network if the existing networks in the container for
-        # the service type are all full.
-        if not first_nonfull_ipv4_network:
-            first_nonfull_ipv4_network = str(allocate_service_ipv4_network(
-                service_type=service_type).v4)
-        assert first_nonfull_ipv4_network, \
-            "No available IPv4 addresses for this service type."
-        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 network=first_nonfull_ipv4_network,
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
+        # IPv4
+        ipv4_network = str(allocate_service_ipv4_network(
+                       service_type=service_type).v4)
+        assert ipv4_network, \
+            "No available space for IPv4 networks for this service type."
+        # IPv6
+        ipv6_network = str(allocate_service_ipv6_network(
+                       service_type=service_type).v6)
+        assert ipv6_network, \
+            "No available space for IPv6 networks for this service type."
+        network_tuple = (ipv4_network, ipv6_network)
+        host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
+                              networks=network_tuple,
+                              extattrs=extattrs)
     elif service_networks:
-        network = service_networks.v4
-        assert any(network.subnet_of(ipv4_container)
-                   for ipv4_container in ipv4_containers)
-        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 network=str(network),
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
-    elif host_addresses:
-        addr = host_addresses.v4
-        assert any(addr in ipv4_container
+        # IPv4
+        ipv4_network = service_networks.v4
+        assert any(ipv4_network.subnet_of(ipv4_container)
                    for ipv4_container in ipv4_containers)
-        v4_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 addr=str(addr),
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
-    # IPv6
-    if not service_networks and not host_addresses:
-        # ipv6 does not support capacity fetching (not even the GUI displays
-        # it). Maybe it's assumed that there is always available space?
-        ipv6_networks_info = _find_networks(
-            network_container=str(ipv6_containers[0]),
-            ip_version=6)
-        assert len(ipv6_networks_info) >= 1, \
-            "No IPv6 network exists in the container for this service type."
-        assert 'network' in ipv6_networks_info[0]
-        # TODO: if "no available IP" error, create a new network?
-        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 network=ipv6_networks_info[0]['network'],
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
-    elif service_networks:
-        network = service_networks.v6
-        assert any(network.subnet_of(ipv6_container)
+        # IPv6
+        ipv6_network = service_networks.v6
+        assert any(ipv6_network.subnet_of(ipv6_container)
                    for ipv6_container in ipv6_containers)
-        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 network=str(network),
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
+        host = _allocate_host(
+            hostname=hostname+domain_name,
+            networks=(str(ipv4_network), str(ipv6_network)),
+            extattrs=extattrs
+        )
     elif host_addresses:
-        addr = host_addresses.v6
-        assert any(addr in ipv6_container
+        # IPv4
+        ipv4_addr = host_addresses.v4
+        assert any(ipv4_addr in ipv4_container
+                   for ipv4_container in ipv4_containers)
+        # IPv6
+        ipv6_addr = host_addresses.v6
+        assert any(ipv6_addr in ipv6_container
                    for ipv6_container in ipv6_containers)
-        v6_host = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname+domain_name,
-                                 addr=str(addr),
-                                 extattrs=extattrs)
-    return HostAddresses(v4=v4_host.v4, v6=v6_host.v6)
+        host = _allocate_host(
+            hostname=hostname+domain_name,
+            addrs=(str(ipv4_addr), str(ipv6_addr)),
+            extattrs=extattrs
+        )
+    return host
@@ -462,6 +410,39 @@ def _find_containers(network=None, ip_version=4):
     return r.json()
+def _get_network_capacity(network=None):
+    """
+    Get utilization of a IPv4 network in a fraction of 1000.
+    """
+    oss = settings.load_oss_params()
+    assert oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
+    infoblox_params = oss.IPAM.INFOBLOX
+    ip_version = _ip_network_version(network)
+    assert ip_version == 4, "Utilization is only available for IPv4 networks."
+    params = {
+        'network': network,
+        '_return_fields': 'network,total_hosts,utilization'
+    }
+    r = requests.get(
+        f'{_wapi(infoblox_params)}/network',
+        params=params,
+        auth=HTTPBasicAuth(infoblox_params.username,
+                           infoblox_params.password),
+        verify=False
+    )
+    # Utilization info takes several minutes to converge.
+    # The IPAM utilization bar in the GUI as well. Why?
+    assert r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300, \
+        f"HTTP error {r.status_code}: {r.reason}\n\n{r.text}"
+    capacity_info = r.json()
+    assert len(capacity_info) == 1, "Requested IPv4 network doesn't exist."
+    assert 'utilization' in capacity_info[0]
+    utilization = capacity_info[0]['utilization']
+    return utilization
 def _delete_network(network) -> Union[V4ServiceNetwork, V6ServiceNetwork]:
     Delete IPv4 or IPv6 network by CIDR.
@@ -642,15 +623,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         elif choice == '6':
             hostname = input("Enter host name (full name w/ domain name): ")
-            addr = input("Enter IP address to allocate: ")
-            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname, addr=addr)
+            addrv4 = input("Enter IPv4 address to allocate: ")
+            addrv6 = input("Enter IPv6 address to allocate: ")
+            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname,
+                                      addrs=(addrv4,addrv6))
             print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2))
         elif choice == '7':
             hostname = input("Enter host name (full name w/ domain name): ")
-            network = input(
-                "Enter existing network to allocate from (CIDR notation): ")
-            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(hostname=hostname, network=network)
+            networkv4 = input(
+                "Enter existing ipv4 network to use (CIDR notation): ")
+            networkv6 = input(
+                "Enter existing ipv6 network to use (CIDR notation): ")
+            alloc_ip = _allocate_host(
+                hostname=hostname,
+                networks=(networkv4, networkv6)
+            )
             print(json.dumps(str(alloc_ip), indent=2))
         elif choice == '8':
diff --git a/gso/services/ipam.py b/gso/services/ipam.py
index c41a1239a14506e3104aaad5d5e4dcdfadd4dcae..d794dd43527b80fd940d7ef300fb8cc0e672e374 100644
--- a/gso/services/ipam.py
+++ b/gso/services/ipam.py
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ def new_service_host(hostname,
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # sample call flow to allocate two loopback interfaces and a trunk service
     # new_service_host can be called passing networks or addresses
@@ -75,11 +74,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     lo1_v4_host_address = lo1_service_networks.v4.network_address
     lo1_v6_host_address = lo1_service_networks.v6.network_address
-    print(lo1_v4_host_address)
-    print(lo1_v6_host_address)
     lo1_host_addresses = HostAddresses(v4=lo1_v4_host_address,
-    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_A,
+    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_A+"_LO",
@@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                              comment="Network for h2 LO",
-    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_B,
+    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_B+"_LO",
@@ -104,10 +101,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         comment="Network for h1-h2 TRUNK"
-    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_A,
+    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_A+"_TRUNK",
-    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_B,
+    new_service_host(hostname=hostname_B+"_TRUNK",
diff --git a/test/test_ipam.py b/test/test_ipam.py
index 2778148347a7fe84164305d86029efe3c5750ddc..0ea33535214111c9ed418f9c43aa6e2b1b29e185 100644
--- a/test/test_ipam.py
+++ b/test/test_ipam.py
@@ -81,16 +81,34 @@ def test_new_service_host(data_config_filename):
-        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/network.*/.*?_function=next_available_ip&num=1.*'),   # noqa: E501
+        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/network.*/.*?_function=next_available_ip&num=1$'),   # noqa: E501
         json={'ips': ['']}
-        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/ipv6network.*/.*?_function=next_available_ip&num=1.*'),   # noqa: E501
+        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/ipv6network.*/.*?_function=next_available_ip&num=1$'),   # noqa: E501
         json={'ips': ['dead:beef::18']}
+    responses.add(
+        method=responses.POST,
+        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/network.*_return_fields.*'),
+        json={
+            '_ref': 'network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMjU1LjI1NS4yMC8zMi8w:',   # noqa: E501
+            'network': ''
+        }
+    )
+    responses.add(
+        method=responses.POST,
+        url=re.compile(r'.*/wapi.*/ipv6network.*_return_fields.*'),
+        json={
+            '_ref': 'ipv6network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskZGVhZDpiZWVmOjoxOC8xMjgvMA:dead%3Abeef%3A%3A18/128/default',   # noqa: E501
+            'network': 'dead:beef::18/128'
+        }
+    )
     service_hosts = ipam.new_service_host(
@@ -116,3 +134,12 @@ def test_new_service_host(data_config_filename):
+    service_hosts = ipam.new_service_host(
+        hostname='test',
+        service_type='LO'
+    )
+    assert service_hosts == ipam.HostAddresses(
+        v4=ipaddress.ip_address(''),
+        v6=ipaddress.ip_address('dead:beef::18')
+    )