diff --git a/gso/schedules/send_email_notifications.py b/gso/schedules/send_email_notifications.py
index f554052ae5a9af88aa2d599e002c3aeacd662e97..61e5a6765ca343002a514d83aef86caef6948bff 100644
--- a/gso/schedules/send_email_notifications.py
+++ b/gso/schedules/send_email_notifications.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from gso.worker import celery
-@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Send email notifications", minute="30"))
+@scheduler(CronScheduleConfig(name="Send email notifications", hour="2", minute="30"))
 def send_email_notifications() -> None:
-    """Run this task every hour on the half hour."""
+    """Run this task every night at 2:30 AM."""
diff --git a/gso/services/subscriptions.py b/gso/services/subscriptions.py
index b0b84c0941cfeac6bae2a1f549469572f5fad7a3..873984b35bab68428145f993f95235d23f6ba50a 100644
--- a/gso/services/subscriptions.py
+++ b/gso/services/subscriptions.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from orchestrator.db import (
+from orchestrator.domain import SubscriptionModel
 from orchestrator.services.subscriptions import query_in_use_by_subscriptions
 from orchestrator.types import SubscriptionLifecycle
 from pydantic_forms.types import UUIDstr
@@ -206,17 +207,15 @@ def count_incomplete_validate_products() -> int:
 def get_failed_tasks() -> list[ProcessTable]:
     """Get all tasks that have failed."""
-    return ProcessTable.query.filter(
-        ProcessTable.is_task == "true",
-        ProcessTable.last_status == "failed",
-    ).all()
+    return ProcessTable.query.filter(ProcessTable.is_task.is_(True), ProcessTable.last_status == "failed").all()
-def get_subscription_id_by_process_id(process_id: str) -> UUIDstr:
-    """Get a subscription ID from a process ID."""
-    return (
-        ProcessSubscriptionTable.query.filter(ProcessSubscriptionTable.process_id == process_id).first().subscription_id
-    )
+def get_subscription_by_process_id(process_id: str) -> SubscriptionModel | None:
+    """Get a subscription from a process ID."""
+    subscription_table = ProcessSubscriptionTable.query.filter(
+        ProcessSubscriptionTable.process_id == process_id
+    ).first()
+    return SubscriptionModel.from_subscription(subscription_table.subscription_id) if subscription_table else None
 def get_insync_subscriptions() -> list[SubscriptionTable]:
diff --git a/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py b/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
index 0974c438fca7c194e36573dcebe7ea74b5183e1e..f54a4b473ca0cebdffd3b384646ae5dec51b5b15 100644
--- a/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
+++ b/gso/workflows/tasks/send_email_notifications.py
@@ -1,53 +1,50 @@
-"""Send email notifications for all tasks that have failed in the last hour.
+"""Send email notifications for all tasks that have failed."""
-This task must be scheduled to run every hour to prevent missing out on notifications.
-from datetime import UTC, datetime
-from orchestrator.domain import SubscriptionModel
 from orchestrator.targets import Target
 from orchestrator.types import State
-from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, done, init, step, workflow
+from orchestrator.workflow import StepList, conditional, done, init, step, workflow
 from gso.services.mailer import send_mail
-from gso.services.subscriptions import get_failed_tasks, get_subscription_id_by_process_id
+from gso.services.subscriptions import get_failed_tasks, get_subscription_by_process_id
 from gso.settings import load_oss_params
 @step("Gather all tasks that recently failed")
 def gather_failed_tasks() -> State:
-    """Gather all tasks from the last hour that have failed."""
-    current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
-    failed_tasks = list(filter(lambda task: (current_time - task.last_modified_at).hour <= 1, get_failed_tasks()))
-    return {"failed_tasks": failed_tasks}
+    """Gather all tasks that have failed."""
+    return {"failed_tasks": get_failed_tasks()}
 @step("Send notification emails for all failed tasks")
 def send_email_notifications(state: State) -> None:
-    """Send out an email notification for every task that has failed in the last hour."""
+    """Send out an email notification for all tasks that have failed."""
     base_url = load_oss_params().GENERAL.public_hostname
+    all_alerts = ""
     for failure in state["failed_tasks"]:
-        subscription_id = get_subscription_id_by_process_id(failure["process_id"])
-        failed_subscription = SubscriptionModel.from_subscription(subscription_id)
         failed_task_url = f"{base_url}/workflows/{failure["process_id"]}"
-        send_mail(
-            "GAP - A task has failed!",
-            f"""A {failed_subscription.product.name} validation task has failed to run to completion.
-Product name: {failed_subscription.product.name}
-Description: {failed_subscription.description}
-The step "{failure["last_step"]}" failed for the following reason: "{failure["failed_reason"]}".
-Please inspect the full workflow at the following link: {failed_task_url}.
+        failed_subscription = get_subscription_by_process_id(failure["process_id"])
+        all_alerts += "------\n\n"
+        if failed_subscription:
+            all_alerts += (
+                f"Product name: {failed_subscription.product.name}\nDescription: {failed_subscription.description}\n"
+            )
+        all_alerts += (
+            f'The step "{failure["last_step"]}" failed for the following reason: "{failure["failed_reason"]}".\n\n'
+            f'Please inspect the full workflow at the following link: {failed_task_url}.\n\n'
+    send_mail(
+        "GAP - One or more tasks have failed!",
+        (
+            f"Please check the following tasks in GAP which have failed.\n\n{all_alerts}------"
+            f"\n\nRegards, the GÉANT Automation Platform.\n\n"
+        ),
+    )
 @workflow("Send email notifications for all failed tasks", target=Target.SYSTEM)
 def task_send_email_notifications() -> StepList:
-    """Gather all failed tasks from the last hour, and send email notifications."""
-    return init >> gather_failed_tasks >> send_email_notifications >> done
+    """Gather all failed tasks, and send an email notification if needed."""
+    tasks_have_failed = conditional(lambda state: len(state["failed_tasks"]) > 0)
+    return init >> gather_failed_tasks >> tasks_have_failed(send_email_notifications) >> done
diff --git a/test/conftest.py b/test/conftest.py
index 8e32c666cdd9800a2d8c0e6b55fe09b22258af34..e700a239c4d7e8fbdd35945c67db05da312874a4 100644
--- a/test/conftest.py
+++ b/test/conftest.py
@@ -540,3 +540,9 @@ def responses():
         not_used = set(mocked_urls) - set(used_urls)
         if not_used:
             pytest.fail(f"Found unused responses mocks: {not_used}", pytrace=False)
+def _no_mail(monkeypatch):
+    """Remove sending mails from all tests."""
+    monkeypatch.delattr("smtplib.SMTP")