/* Default font colors and table colors */ export const DARK_FONT_COLOR = "#ffffff"; export const LIGHT_FONT_COLOR = "#111111"; export const DARK_ROW_BORDER_COLOR = "#555555"; export const LIGHT_ROW_BORDER_COLOR = "#cccccc"; export const DARK_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#1D1E24"; export const LIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#f6f6f6"; export const DARK_SELECTED_FONT_COLOR = "#81a0af"; export const LIGHT_SELECTED_FONT_COLOR = "#4d798f"; /* Copy of EUI colors */ export const PRIMARY_COLOR = "#ed1556"; export const ACCENT = "#003f5f"; export const SUCCESS = "#3aca38"; export const WARNING = "#e39846"; export const DANGER = "#bd271e"; /* Todo: sort remaining colors and investigate if we need them all (we could use `shadeColor()`) */ export const LIGHTEST_SUCCESS = "#e5ffed"; export const LIGHT_PRIMARY_COLOR = "#ed1556"; export const LIGHTEST_PRIMARY_COLOR = "#b2c6cf"; export const DARKEST_PRIMARY_COLOR = "#003f5f"; export const LIGHTER_PRIMARY = "#4d798f"; export const LIGHT_DANGER = "#d85ea3"; export const LIGHTEST_DANGER = "#e38bba"; export const DARK_SUCCESS_COLOR = "#025d00"; export const LIGHT_SUCCESS_COLOR = "#d0ffd9"; export const DARKER_PRIMARY = "#002f47"; export const GOLD = "#d4af37"; export const DARK_GOLD_COLOR = "#524217"; export const LIGHT_WARNING = "#ea7e66"; export const LIGHT_GOLD_COLOR = "#fdf6d4"; export const BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#f9f9f9"; export const LIGHTEST_GOLD = "#fdfde3"; export const MEDIUM_GREY_COLOR = "#a7b3b4"; export const DARK_GREY_COLOR = "#565656"; export const DARKEST_GREY = "#414141"; export const LIGHT_GREY_COLOR = "#c1cac9"; export const LIGHTER_GREY_COLOR = "#d4dada"; export const LIGHTEST_GREY = "#e5e8e8";