diff --git a/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py b/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
index f9d9cf433fe6b50a88b8449e009f7fd706f92d26..35fae900deebba4c3194455a172183e3aef3e316 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
@@ -242,3 +242,127 @@ def get_equipment_location_data(connection):  # pragma: no cover
         r = _convert_to_dict(crs)
     return r
+def get_coriant_path(connection, equipment_name, card_id, port_number):
+    base_query = """
+    vcc.absid,
+    vcc.category,
+    vcc.circuit_type,
+    vcc.service_type,
+    vcc.peering_type,
+    eq_a.name as equipment_name_a,
+    eq_b.name as equipment_name_b,
+    eqc_a.card_id as card_id_a,
+    eqc_a.card_id as card_id_b,
+    pop_a.name as pop_name_a,
+    pop_b.name as pop_name_b,
+    vcc.port_a as port_a,
+    vcc.port_b as port_b
+ FROM vcircuitconns vcc
+    LEFT JOIN equipment eq_a ON eq_a.absid = vcc.PTR_equip_a
+    LEFT JOIN equipment eq_b ON eq_b.absid = vcc.PTR_equip_b
+    LEFT JOIN equipment_card eqc_a ON eqc_a.absid = vcc.PTR_card_a
+    LEFT JOIN equipment_card eqc_b ON eqc_b.absid = vcc.PTR_card_b
+    LEFT JOIN pop pop_a ON pop_a.absid = vcc.PTR_pop_a
+    LEFT JOIN pop pop_b ON pop_b.absid = vcc.PTR_pop_b
+    """
+    def _fields2rsp(row):
+        return {
+            'absid': row['absid'],
+            'category': row['category'],
+            'circuit_type': row['circuit_type'],
+            'service_type': row['service_type'],
+            'peering_type': row['peering_type'],
+            'a': {
+                'name': row['equipment_name_a'],
+                'card id': row['card_id_a'],
+                'port number': row['port_a'],
+                'pop': row['pop_name_a']
+            },
+            'b': {
+                'name': row['equipment_name_b'],
+                'card id': row['card_id_b'],
+                'port number': row['port_b'],
+                'pop': row['pop_name_b']
+            }
+        }
+    circuit_query = base_query + """
+WHERE vcc.status = 'Operational'
+    AND (
+        (eq_a.name = %(equipment_name)s
+            AND eqc_a.card_id = %(card_id)s
+            AND vcc.port_a = %(port_number)s )
+        OR
+        (eq_b.name = %(equipment_name)s
+            AND eqc_b.card_id = %(card_id)s
+            AND vcc.port_b = %(port_number)s ))
+ORDER BY FIELD(vcc.circuit_type, 'path') DESC
+    """
+    parent_query = base_query + """
+JOIN circuit_glue
+    ON circuit_glue.PTR_circuit = vcc.absid
+WHERE circuit_glue.PTR_component = %s
+AND circuit_type = 'Path'
+    """
+    #     for_testing = """
+    # SELECT parent.absid, child.absid,
+    #        parent.circuit_type as parent_circuit_type,
+    #        child.circuit_type as child_circuit_type,
+    #        eq_a.name as equipment_name_a,
+    #        eq_b.name as equipment_name_b,
+    #        eqc_a.card_id as card_id_a,
+    #        eqc_a.card_id as card_id_b,
+    #        pop_a.name as pop_name_a,
+    #        pop_b.name as pop_name_b,
+    #        parent.port_a as port_a,
+    #        parent.port_b as port_b,
+    #        child.port_a as child_port_a,
+    #        child.port_b as child_port_b
+    #
+    # FROM vcircuitconns parent
+    #     RIGHT JOIN circuit_glue
+    #         ON circuit_glue.PTR_circuit = parent.absid
+    #     JOIN vcircuitconns child
+    #         ON circuit_glue.PTR_component = child.absid
+    #
+    # LEFT JOIN equipment eq_a ON eq_a.absid = parent.PTR_equip_a
+    # LEFT JOIN equipment eq_b ON eq_b.absid = parent.PTR_equip_b
+    # LEFT JOIN equipment_card eqc_a ON eqc_a.absid = parent.PTR_card_a
+    # LEFT JOIN equipment_card eqc_b ON eqc_b.absid = parent.PTR_card_b
+    # LEFT JOIN pop pop_a ON pop_a.absid = parent.PTR_pop_a
+    # LEFT JOIN pop pop_b ON pop_b.absid = parent.PTR_pop_b
+    #
+    # WHERE parent.circuit_type = 'Path'
+    # AND child.circuit_type <> 'Path'
+    # AND child.status = 'Operational'
+    # AND (eq_a.name like 'grv%' or eq_b.name like 'grv%')
+    #     """
+    args = {
+        'equipment_name': equipment_name,
+        'card_id': card_id,
+        'port_number': port_number
+    }
+    with db.cursor(connection) as crs:
+        crs.execute(circuit_query, args)
+        r = _convert_to_dict(crs)
+        if not r:
+            return None
+        circuit = r[0]
+        if circuit['circuit_type'].lower() == 'path':
+            return _fields2rsp(circuit)
+        crs.execute(parent_query, [circuit['absid']])
+        r = _convert_to_dict(crs)
+        return _fields2rsp(r[0]) if r else None
diff --git a/inventory_provider/routes/classifier.py b/inventory_provider/routes/classifier.py
index 6a604491242dd778ef6a72c456d1654c1cf016ed..1a942124eaed307b2fa2480714c1ff4d84fb56c1 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/routes/classifier.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/routes/classifier.py
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ import ipaddress
 import json
 import re
-from flask import Blueprint, Response
+from flask import Blueprint, Response, current_app
 from inventory_provider.routes import common
+from inventory_provider.db import opsdb, db
 routes = Blueprint("inventory-data-classifier-support-routes", __name__)
@@ -277,3 +278,36 @@ def get_trap_metadata(source_equipment, interface, circuit_id):
         r.set(cache_key, result.encode('utf-8'))
     return Response(result, mimetype="application/json")
+              "<equipment_name>/<card_id>/<port_number>",
+              methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+def get_coriant_info(equipment_name, card_id, port_number):
+    r = common.get_redis()
+    cache_key = 'classifier-cache:coriant:%s:%s:%s' % (
+        equipment_name, card_id, port_number)
+    result = r.get(cache_key)
+    if result:
+        result = result.decode('utf-8')
+    else:
+        config = current_app.config['INVENTORY_PROVIDER_CONFIG']
+        with db.connection(config['ops-db']) as cx:
+            path = opsdb.get_coriant_path(
+                cx, equipment_name, card_id, port_number)
+        if not path:
+            return Response(
+                response="no available info for {} {} {}".format(
+                    equipment_name, card_id, port_number),
+                status=404,
+                mimetype="text/html")
+        result = json.dumps({'path': path})
+        # cache this data for the next call
+        r.set(cache_key, result.encode('utf-8'))
+    return Response(result, mimetype="application/json")
diff --git a/test/test_classifier_routes.py b/test/test_classifier_routes.py
index 2b4e76a52a5610a5179387e8db383aa20010ea6b..cdbdc396d34edd9aad75a33b7358c90ed22c45df 100644
--- a/test/test_classifier_routes.py
+++ b/test/test_classifier_routes.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import contextlib
 import json
 import jsonschema
 import pytest
@@ -271,3 +272,58 @@ def test_peer_not_found(client_with_mocked_data):
     assert rv.status_code == 404
+def test_coriant_info(client, mocker):
+    """
+    just check the correct method is called, but mock out all sql access
+    """
+    expected_path = {
+        'C': 'bogus connection',
+        'E': 'bogus equipment name',
+        'CID': 'bogus card id',
+        'P': 'bogus card number'
+    }
+    @contextlib.contextmanager
+    def mocked_connection(ignored):
+        yield expected_path['C']
+    mocker.patch(
+        'inventory_provider.db.db.connection', mocked_connection)
+    mocker.patch(
+        'inventory_provider.db.opsdb.get_coriant_path',
+        lambda a, b, c, d: {'C': a, 'E': b, 'CID': c, 'P': d})
+    rv = client.get(
+        '/classifier/coriant-info/{E}/{CID}/{P}'.format(**expected_path),
+    assert rv.status_code == 200
+    assert rv.is_json
+    response_data = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
+    expected_response = {'path': expected_path}
+    assert response_data == expected_response
+def test_coriant_info_not_found(client, mocker):
+    """
+    just check the correct method is called, but mock out all sql access
+    """
+    @contextlib.contextmanager
+    def mocked_connection(ignored):
+        yield None
+    mocker.patch(
+        'inventory_provider.db.db.connection', mocked_connection)
+    mocker.patch(
+        'inventory_provider.db.opsdb.get_coriant_path',
+        lambda a, b, c, d: None)
+    rv = client.get(
+        '/classifier/coriant-info/aaa/bbb/ccc',
+    assert rv.status_code == 404
diff --git a/test/test_opsdb_queries.py b/test/test_opsdb_queries.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fbada7715f7c801a59c67c57b7c30194cca17e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_opsdb_queries.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import os
+import pytest
+from inventory_provider.db import db
+from inventory_provider.db import opsdb
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+    'TEST_OPSDB_HOSTNAME' not in os.environ,
+    reason='TEST_OPSDB_HOSTNAME environment variable not found')
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+    'TEST_OPSDB_DBNAME' not in os.environ,
+    reason='TEST_OPSDB_DBNAME environment variable not found')
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+    'TEST_OPSDB_USERNAME' not in os.environ,
+    reason='TEST_OPSDB_USERNAME environment variable not found')
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+    'TEST_OPSDB_PASSWORD' not in os.environ,
+    reason='TEST_OPSDB_PASSWORD environment variable not found')
+def db_params():
+    return {
+        'hostname': os.environ['TEST_OPSDB_HOSTNAME'],
+        'dbname': os.environ['TEST_OPSDB_DBNAME'],
+        'username': os.environ['TEST_OPSDB_USERNAME'],
+        'password': os.environ['TEST_OPSDB_PASSWORD'],
+    }
+def connection(db_params):
+    with db.connection(db_params) as c:
+        yield c
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('equipment,card,port', [
+    ('grv3.lon.uk.geant.net', '1-1', '3'),
+    ('grv3.lon.uk.geant.net', '1-1', '5'),
+    ('grv1.ams.nl.geant.net', '1-1', '1'),
+    ('grv3.lon.uk.geant.net', '1-1', '1'),
+def test_query(connection, equipment, card, port):
+    circuit = opsdb.get_coriant_path(connection, equipment, card, port)
+    from pprint import pprint
+    pprint(circuit)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 858bdcba2d31ffcf351627300f188d49725d99e6..4eeb11cee311ecf0857ca098950ad07a9ea67fa9 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 envlist = py36
 deps =