diff --git a/inventory_provider/routes/poller.py b/inventory_provider/routes/poller.py
index 5a5863604dc44650bea40262d5be1bb2a4360226..bc84ad21a5d9ba08783d855d0fcae7c637a057a7 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/routes/poller.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/routes/poller.py
@@ -157,42 +157,25 @@ GWS_DIRECT_DATA_SCHEMA = {
             'type': 'string',
             'pattern': r'^(\d+\.)*\d+$'
-        'counters': {
+        'counter': {
             'type': 'object',
             'properties': {
-                'discards_in': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-                'discards_out': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-                'errors_in': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-                'errors_out': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-                'traffic_in': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-                'traffic_out': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'},
-            },
-            'additionalProperties': False
-        },
-        'interface': {
-            'type': 'object',
-            'properties': {
-                'tag': {'type': 'string'},
-                'counters': {'$ref': '#/definitions/counters'}
-            },
-            'required': ['tag', 'counters'],
-            'additionalProperties': False
-        },
-        'host': {
-            'type': 'object',
-            'properties': {
-                'hostname': {'type': 'string'},
-                'community': {'type': 'string'},
-                'interfaces': {
-                    'type': 'array',
-                    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/interface'},
-                    'minItems': 1
-                }
+                'field': {
+                    'enum': [
+                        'discards_in',
+                        'discards_out',
+                        'errors_in',
+                        'errors_out',
+                        'traffic_in',
+                        'traffic_out'
+                    ]
+                },
+                'oid': {'$ref': '#/definitions/oid'}
-            'required': ['hostname', 'community', 'interfaces'],
+            'required': ['field', 'oid'],
             'additionalProperties': False
-        'nren-isp': {
+        'interface-counters': {
             'type': 'object',
             'properties': {
                 'nren': {'type': 'string'},
@@ -200,19 +183,23 @@ GWS_DIRECT_DATA_SCHEMA = {
                     'type': 'string',
                     'enum': ['Cogent', 'Telia', 'Century Link']
-                'hosts': {
+                'hostname': {'type': 'string'},
+                'community': {'type': 'string'},
+                'tag': {'type': 'string'},
+                'counters': {
                     'type': 'array',
-                    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/host'},
+                    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/counter'},
                     'minItems': 1
-            'required': ['nren', 'isp', 'hosts'],
+            'required': [
+                'nren', 'isp', 'hostname', 'community', 'tag', 'counters'],
             'additionalProperties': False
     'type': 'array',
-    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/nren-isp'}
+    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/interface-counters'}
@@ -640,5 +627,36 @@ def gws_direct():
-    config_params = current_app.config['INVENTORY_PROVIDER_CONFIG']
-    return jsonify(config_params['gws-direct'])
+    cache_key = f'classifier-cache:gws-direct'
+    r = common.get_current_redis()
+    result = r.get(cache_key)
+    if result:
+        result = result.decode('utf-8')
+    else:
+        def _interfaces():
+            config_params = current_app.config['INVENTORY_PROVIDER_CONFIG']
+            for nren_isp in config_params['gws-direct']:
+                for host in nren_isp['hosts']:
+                    for ifc in host['interfaces']:
+                        yield {
+                            'nren': nren_isp['nren'],
+                            'isp': nren_isp['isp'],
+                            'hostname': host['hostname'],
+                            'community': host['community'],
+                            'tag': ifc['tag'],
+                            'counters': [
+                                {'field': k, 'oid': v}
+                                for k, v in ifc['counters'].items()]
+                        }
+        result = json.dumps(list(_interfaces()))
+        # cache this data for the next call
+        r.set(cache_key, result.encode('utf-8'))
+    return Response(result, mimetype="application/json")
diff --git a/test/test_general_poller_routes.py b/test/test_general_poller_routes.py
index 73b6d81c0389a2cc8997b7810ee4b620e3fe08ae..7a7807c6053c9522a6fdaba7c2b176a0f5c51f2c 100644
--- a/test/test_general_poller_routes.py
+++ b/test/test_general_poller_routes.py
@@ -60,6 +60,5 @@ def test_gws_direct(client):
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     assert rv.is_json
     response_data = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
-    jsonschema.validate(
-        response_data, poller.GWS_DIRECT_DATA_SCHEMA)
+    jsonschema.validate(response_data, poller.GWS_DIRECT_DATA_SCHEMA)
     assert response_data, "the subscription list shouldn't be empty"