From 9728d81e205a6e3c332eb3af14174afb092d523e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robert Latta <> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:37:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] added test for get_circuit_hierachy --- test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json | 1016 +++++++++++++++++++++ test/ | 42 +- 2 files changed, 1057 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json diff --git a/test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json b/test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1027accc --- /dev/null +++ b/test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json @@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@ +[ + { + "acquisitiondate": null, + "antennafeeders": null, + "bicableports": null, + "blocked": 0, + "cableports": null, + "calculatedlength": null, + "carriercircuits": [ + { + "carriercircuit": { + "acquisitiondate": null, + "antennafeeders": null, + "bicableports": null, + "blocked": 0, + "cableports": null, + "calculatedlength": null, + "carriercircuits": null, + 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"wtoptunnelworkers": null + }, + "subcircuitid": 661591, + "timeslotfrom": 0, + "timeslotto": 0 + } + ], + "tested": 0, + "vendor": "JUNIPER", + "vlanid": null, + "vminternalportrelatelist": null, + "vmportrelatelist": null, + "wtoptunnelprotections": null, + "wtoptunnelworkers": null + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/ b/test/ index 522a4cc1..d907593a 100644 --- a/test/ +++ b/test/ @@ -5,7 +5,47 @@ from inventory_provider.db.ims import InventoryStatus from inventory_provider.db.ims_data import lookup_lg_routers, \ otrs_get_customer_company_rows, \ otrs_get_customer_users_rows, get_node_locations, IMS_OPSDB_STATUS_MAP, \ - get_fibre_info, get_port_id_services, get_port_details + get_fibre_info, get_port_id_services, get_port_details, \ + get_circuit_hierarchy + + +def test_get_circuit_hierarchy(mocker): + + ds = inventory_provider.db.ims.IMS( + 'dummy_base', 'dummy_username', 'dummy_password') + with open('test/data/ims_circuit_hierarchy_data.json') as data: + se_data = json.load(data) + + mocked_get = mocker.patch.object( + inventory_provider.db.ims.IMS, + 'get_all_entities' + ) + mocked_get.return_value = se_data + res = list(get_circuit_hierarchy(ds)) + assert ds.get_all_entities.call_count == 1 + predicted = [ + { + 'id': 661591, + 'name': 'UK_ORIENT', + 'status': 'operational', + 'product': 'IP PEERING - R&E', + 'speed': 'ETHS', + 'project': 'ORIENTPLUS', + 'sub-circuits': [], + 'carrier-circuits': [660461] + }, + { + 'id': 660461, + 'name': 'V-LAN_200_MX1.LON.UK_XE-0/0/1_', + 'status': 'operational', + 'product': 'ETHERNET', + 'speed': 'V-LAN', + 'project': 'ORIENTPLUS', + 'sub-circuits': [661591], + 'carrier-circuits': [668866] + } + ] + assert res == predicted def test_get_port_details(mocker): -- GitLab