diff --git a/inventory_provider/db/ims_data.py b/inventory_provider/db/ims_data.py
index 944978888555238bd34dedb6c2e3d88bc392d402..cee29568719761c3b378ae89314ecc33cc2b2136 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/db/ims_data.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/db/ims_data.py
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ def lookup_lg_routers(ds):
         return True
     site_nav_props = [
-        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['aliases'],
-        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['city'],
-        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['country']
+        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['SiteAliases'],
+        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['City'],
+        ims.SITE_PROPERTIES['Country']
     eq_definitions = ds.get_filtered_entities(
         'Name like mx',
-        ims.EQUIP_DEF_PROPERTIES['nodes'])
+        ims.EQUIP_DEF_PROPERTIES['Nodes'])
     for eq_def in eq_definitions:
         nodes = eq_def['Nodes']
@@ -172,8 +172,6 @@ def otrs_get_customer_contacts(ds):
                     'city': '',
                     'country': '',
                     'comments': '',
-                    # 'type_0': 'customer',
-                    # 'type': customer['CustomerType']['Name']
                 if not _is_valid_customer(t_customer_user):
@@ -212,8 +210,6 @@ def otrs_get_vendor_contacts(ds):
             'city': '',
             'country': '',
             'comments': '',
-            # 'type_0': 'vendor',
-            # 'type': ''
         if not _is_valid_customer(t_customer_user):
@@ -228,9 +224,6 @@ def otrs_get_customer_users_rows(ds):
     yield ['email', 'username', 'customer_id', 'customer_id_2', 'title',
            'firstname', 'lastname', 'phone', 'fax', 'mobile', 'street', 'zip',
            'city', 'country', 'comments']
-    # yield ['email', 'username', 'customer_id', 'customer_id_2', 'title',
-    #        'firstname', 'lastname', 'phone', 'fax', 'mobile', 'street', 'zip',
-    #        'city', 'country', 'comments', 'type', 'type_2']
     def get_all_cus_user_rows():
         yield from otrs_get_customer_contacts(ds)
@@ -240,56 +233,3 @@ def otrs_get_customer_users_rows(ds):
     # this will be used to prioritisation
     for cu in sorted_cus:
         yield list(cu.values())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    username = sys.argv[1]
-    password = sys.argv[2]
-    ds = IMS('', username, password)
-    equipment_names = [
-        'mx1.ams.nl',
-        'mx1.ath2.gr',
-        'mx1.buc.ro',
-        'mx1.bud.hu',
-        'mx1.dub.ie',
-        'mx1.dub2.ie',
-        'mx1.fra.de',
-        'mx1.gen.ch',
-        'mx1.ham.de',
-        'mx1.kau.lt',
-        'mx1.lis.pt',
-        'mx1.lon.uk',
-        'mx1.lon2.uk',
-        'mx1.mad.es',
-        'mx1.mar.fr',
-        'mx1.mil2.it',
-        'mx1.par.fr',
-        'mx1.poz.pl',
-        'mx1.pra.cz',
-        'mx1.sof.bg',
-        'mx1.tal.ee',
-        'mx1.vie.at',
-        'mx2.ath.gr',
-        'mx2.bra.sk',
-        'mx2.bru.be',
-        'mx2.kau.lt',
-        'mx2.lis.pt',
-        'mx2.lju.si',
-        'mx2.rig.lv',
-        'mx2.tal.ee',
-        'mx2.zag.hr',
-        'qfx.fra.de',
-        'qfx.lon2.uk',
-        'qfx.par.fr'
-    ]
-    for equipment in equipment_names:
-        r = lookup_pop_info(ds, equipment)
-        print(r)
-    print('--------------------')
-    print('--------------------')
-    for r in lookup_lg_routers(ds):
-        print(r)