diff --git a/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py b/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
index 980bc73ca0f6612bd081f0678e3f014a576ede50..f9d9cf433fe6b50a88b8449e009f7fd706f92d26 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/db/opsdb.py
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ retrieve_services_query = """SELECT *
                       LOWER(c.circuit_type) AS circuit_type,
                       LOWER(c.service_type) AS service_type,
                       events.short_descr AS project,
+                      pop.name as pop_name,
+                      pop.abbreviation as pop_abbreviation,
+                      pop_b.name as other_end_pop_name,
+                      pop_b.abbreviation as other_end_pop_abbreviation,
                       e.name AS equipment,
                       e_b.name AS other_end_equipment,
                       cc.port_a AS port,
@@ -76,10 +80,14 @@ retrieve_services_query = """SELECT *
                     FROM circuit c
                       INNER JOIN circuit_connections cc
                         ON cc.circ_absid = c.absid
+                      LEFT JOIN pop pop
+                        ON pop.absid = cc.PTR_pop_a
+                      LEFT JOIN pop pop_b
+                        ON pop_b.absid = cc.PTR_pop_b
                       INNER JOIN equipment e
                         ON e.absid = cc.PTR_equip_a
                       LEFT JOIN equipment e_b
-                        ON e_b.absid = cc.PTR_equip_B
+                        ON e_b.absid = cc.PTR_equip_b
                       LEFT JOIN events
                         ON events.absid = cc.PTR_project
                       INNER JOIN equipment_card ec
@@ -102,12 +110,16 @@ retrieve_services_query = """SELECT *
                       LOWER(c.circuit_type) AS circuit_type,
                       LOWER(c.service_type) AS service_type,
                       events.short_descr AS project,
+                      pop.name as pop_name,
+                      pop.abbreviation as pop_abbreviation,
+                      pop_b.name as other_end_pop_name,
+                      pop_b.abbreviation as other_end_pop_abbreviation,
                       e.name AS equipment,
                       e_b.name AS other_end_equipment,
-                      cc.port_b AS port,
-                      cc.port_a AS other_end_port,
-                      cc.int_LU_b AS logical_unit,
-                      cc.int_LU_a AS other_end_logical_unit,
+                      cc.port_a AS port,
+                      cc.port_b AS other_end_port,
+                      cc.int_LU_a AS logical_unit,
+                      cc.int_LU_b AS other_end_logical_unit,
                       LOWER(o.name) AS manufacturer,
                       LOWER(ec.card_id) AS card_id,
                       LOWER(ec_b.card_id) AS other_end_card_id,
@@ -120,23 +132,27 @@ retrieve_services_query = """SELECT *
                     FROM circuit c
                       INNER JOIN circuit_connections cc
                         ON cc.circ_absid = c.absid
+                      LEFT JOIN pop pop
+                        ON pop.absid = cc.PTR_pop_a
+                      LEFT JOIN pop pop_b
+                        ON pop_b.absid = cc.PTR_pop_b
                       INNER JOIN equipment e
-                        ON e.absid = cc.PTR_equip_b
+                        ON e.absid = cc.PTR_equip_a
                       LEFT JOIN equipment e_b
-                        ON e_b.absid = cc.PTR_equip_a
+                        ON e_b.absid = cc.PTR_equip_b
                       LEFT JOIN events
                         ON events.absid = cc.PTR_project
                       INNER JOIN equipment_card ec
-                        ON ec.absid = cc.PTR_card_b
+                        ON ec.absid = cc.PTR_card_a
                       LEFT JOIN equipment_card ec_b
-                        ON ec_b.absid = cc.PTR_card_a
+                        ON ec_b.absid = cc.PTR_card_b
                       LEFT JOIN organisation o
                         ON o.absid = ec.manufacturer
                       LEFT JOIN port_plugin pp
-                        ON pp.PTR_card = cc.PTR_card_b AND pp.port = cc.port_b
+                        ON pp.PTR_card = cc.PTR_card_a AND pp.port = cc.port_a
                       LEFT JOIN port_plugin pp_b
-                        ON pp_b.PTR_card = cc.PTR_card_a
-                         AND pp_b.port = cc.port_a
+                        ON pp_b.PTR_card = cc.PTR_card_b
+                         AND pp_b.port = cc.port_b
                     WHERE c.status != 'terminated' AND is_circuit = 1)
                     AS inner_query
                     WHERE circuit_type IN ('path', 'service', 'l2circuit')
@@ -198,7 +214,7 @@ def _update_fields(r):
     return func(r) if func else r
-def get_geant_lambdas(connection):
+def get_geant_lambdas(connection):  # pragma: no cover
     with db.cursor(connection) as crs:
         r = _convert_to_dict(crs)
@@ -214,14 +230,14 @@ def get_circuits(connection):
     return r
-def get_circuit_hierarchy(connection):
+def get_circuit_hierarchy(connection):  # pragma: no cover
     with db.cursor(connection) as crs:
         r = _convert_to_dict(crs)
     return r
-def get_equipment_location_data(connection):
+def get_equipment_location_data(connection):  # pragma: no cover
     with db.cursor(connection) as crs:
         r = _convert_to_dict(crs)