diff --git a/inventory_provider/juniper.py b/inventory_provider/juniper.py
index 189b2df047a2af1a00dcacd9781b0fb44ebed7e2..ddd2fce0b1f215a4081803e2b17440df99c88605 100644
--- a/inventory_provider/juniper.py
+++ b/inventory_provider/juniper.py
@@ -112,55 +112,20 @@ UNIT_SCHEMA = """<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
     "definitions": {
-        "top-level-peering": {
-            "type": "object",
-            "properties": {
-                "group": {"type": "string"},
-                "description": {"type": "string"},
-                "address": {"type": "string"},
-                "remote-asn": {"type": "integer"},
-                "local-asn": {"type": "integer"}
-            },
-            # lots of internal peerings - so maybe no explicit asn's
-            "required": ["group", "address"],
-            "additionalProperties": False
-        },
-        "instance-peering": {
+        "peering": {
             "type": "object",
             "properties": {
-                "instance": {"type": "string"},
                 "group": {"type": "string"},
                 "description": {"type": "string"},
                 "address": {"type": "string"},
                 "remote-asn": {"type": "integer"},
                 "local-asn": {"type": "integer"},
-            },
-            # description and-or local-asn is not always present,
-            # just based on empirical tests - not a problem
-            "required": ["instance", "group", "address", "remote-asn"],
-            "additionalProperties": False
-        },
-        "logical-system-peering": {
-            "type": "object",
-            "properties": {
+                "instance": {"type": "string"},
                 "logical-system": {"type": "string"},
-                "group": {"type": "string"},
-                "description": {"type": "string"},
-                "address": {"type": "string"},
-                "remote-asn": {"type": "integer"},
-                "local-asn": {"type": "integer"}
-            # local/remote-asn and/or description are not always present,
-            # just based on empirical tests - not a problem
-            "required": ["logical-system", "group", "address"],
+            # lots of internal peerings - so maybe no explicit asn's
+            "required": ["group", "address"],
             "additionalProperties": False
-        },
-        "peering": {
-            "oneOf": [
-                {"$ref": "#/definitions/top-level-peering"},
-                {"$ref": "#/definitions/instance-peering"},
-                {"$ref": "#/definitions/logical-system-peering"}
-            ]
     "type": "array",
@@ -287,7 +252,7 @@ def list_interfaces(netconf_config):
             yield u
-def all_bgp_peers(netconf_config):
+def _system_bgp_peers(system_node):
     def _peering_params(neighbor_node):
         address = neighbor_node.find('name').text
@@ -306,34 +271,39 @@ def all_bgp_peers(netconf_config):
             info['description'] = description.text
         return info
-    for group in netconf_config.xpath('//configuration/protocols/bgp/group'):
+    def _neighbors(group_node):
+        for neighbor in group_node.xpath('./neighbor'):
+            inactive = neighbor.get('inactive')
+            if inactive == 'inactive':
+                continue
+            yield _peering_params(neighbor)
+    for group in system_node.xpath('./protocols/bgp/group'):
         group_name = group.find('name').text
-        for neighbor in group.xpath('./neighbor'):
-            peer = _peering_params(neighbor)
+        for peer in _neighbors(group):
             peer['group'] = group_name
             yield peer
-    for instance in netconf_config.xpath(
-            '//configuration/routing-instances/instance'):
+    for instance in system_node.xpath(
+            './routing-instances/instance'):
         instance_name = instance.find('name').text
-        for group in instance.xpath('./protocols/bgp/group'):
-            group_name = group.find('name').text
-            for neighbor in group.xpath('./neighbor'):
-                peer = _peering_params(neighbor)
-                peer['instance'] = instance_name
-                peer['group'] = group_name
-                yield peer
+        for peer in _system_bgp_peers(instance):
+            peer['instance'] = instance_name
+            yield peer
+def all_bgp_peers(netconf_config):
+    for base_system in netconf_config.xpath('//configuration'):
+        # there should only be one
+        yield from _system_bgp_peers(base_system)
     for logical_system in netconf_config.xpath(
         logical_system_name = logical_system.find('name').text
-        for group in logical_system.xpath('./protocols/bgp/group'):
-            group_name = group.find('name').text
-            for neighbor in group.xpath('./neighbor'):
-                peer = _peering_params(neighbor)
-                peer['logical-system'] = logical_system_name
-                peer['group'] = group_name
-                yield peer
+        for peer in _system_bgp_peers(logical_system):
+            peer['logical-system'] = logical_system_name
+            yield peer
 def interface_addresses(netconf_config):
diff --git a/test/per_router/test_juniper_data.py b/test/per_router/test_juniper_data.py
index 8141875512629954287c68f89cb3c640cf0d21d7..9f88dc066c797830d403bf83926ff15d2c682b36 100644
--- a/test/per_router/test_juniper_data.py
+++ b/test/per_router/test_juniper_data.py
@@ -35,9 +35,22 @@ def test_interface_list(netconf_doc):
     jsonschema.validate(interfaces, schema)
     assert interfaces  # at least shouldn't be empty
+from lxml import etree
 def test_bgp_peering_data(netconf_doc):
+    active_peers = set()
+    inactive_peers = set()
+    for neighbor in netconf_doc.xpath('//group/neighbor'):
+        address = neighbor.find('name').text
+        address = ipaddress.ip_address(address).exploded
+        inactive = neighbor.get('inactive')
+        if inactive == 'inactive':
+            inactive_peers.add(address)
+        else:
+            if address == '':
+                print('here')
+            active_peers.add(address)
     peerings = list(juniper.all_bgp_peers(netconf_doc))
     jsonschema.validate(peerings, juniper.PEERING_LIST_SCHEMA)
     assert peerings  # there's always at least one
@@ -47,6 +60,15 @@ def test_bgp_peering_data(netconf_doc):
         canonical_address = ipaddress.ip_address(p['address']).exploded
         assert p['address'] == canonical_address
+    # confirm we got all of the active peerings
+    returned_addresses = {p['address'] for p in peerings}
+    missing = active_peers - returned_addresses
+    if missing:
+        print('here')
+    assert returned_addresses == active_peers
+    # confirm that none of the inactive peerings were returned
+    assert not inactive_peers & returned_addresses
 def test_snmp_community_string(mocked_netifaces, netconf_doc):
     assert juniper.snmp_community_string(netconf_doc) == '0pBiFbD'