package main import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) const errMsg string = "[ERR]" const infoMsg string = "[INFO]" var ( appVersion string buildTime string CertBase string KeyBase string GroupName string GroupID int RedisBaseURL string VaultBaseURL string VaultURL string RedisCertURL string RedisCAURL string RedisFullChainURL string certificateDestination string fullchainDestination string keyDestination string caDestination string Type string tmpCertificateDestination string tmpFullchainDestination string tmpCaDestination string tmpKeyDestination string certTmpDir string key *x509.Certificate cert *x509.Certificate ) // app clean and exit func appExit(status int) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { certTmpDir = "C:\\tmp\\acme-downloader\\" } else { certTmpDir = "/tmp/acme-downloader" } err := os.RemoveAll(certTmpDir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v could not delete temporary directory: %v\n", errMsg, err) } os.Exit(status) } // check certificates func checkCertificates(dnsname string, certificate string, fullchain string, ca string, key string, days int, fail bool) bool { Seconds := days * 86400 daysNumber := time.Now().Local().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(Seconds)) certPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certificate) if err != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", errMsg, err) appExit(255) } else { return false } } certFullchainPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fullchain) if err != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", errMsg, err) appExit(255) } else { return false } } rootPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ca) if err != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", errMsg, err) appExit(255) } else { return false } } roots := x509.NewCertPool() ok := roots.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(rootPEM)) if !ok { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse root certificate\n", errMsg) appExit(255) } else { return false } } block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(certPEM)) if block == nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate PEM\n", errMsg) appExit(255) } else { return false } } cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate %v\n", errMsg, err) appExit(255) } else { return false } } fullchainBlock, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(certFullchainPEM)) if fullchainBlock == nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate PEM\n", errMsg) appExit(255) } else { return false } } fullchainCert, fullchainErr := x509.ParseCertificate(fullchainBlock.Bytes) if fullchainErr != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate %v\n", errMsg, fullchainErr) appExit(255) } else { return false } } opts := x509.VerifyOptions{ Roots: roots, DNSName: dnsname, CurrentTime: daysNumber, Intermediates: x509.NewCertPool(), } if _, err := cert.Verify(opts); err != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate %v\n", errMsg, err.Error()) appExit(255) } else { return false } } if _, fullchainErr := fullchainCert.Verify(opts); fullchainErr != nil { if fail == true { fmt.Printf("%v failed to parse certificate %v\n", errMsg, err.Error()) } else { return false } } return true } // check if the private key matches the publick key func checkPrivkey(privkey string, pubkey string, fail bool) bool { _, errFileExist := os.Stat(privkey) if os.IsNotExist(errFileExist) { fmt.Printf("%v could not access the private key %v\n", errMsg, privkey) appExit(255) } _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(pubkey, privkey) if fail == true { if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v the private key %v does not match the the public certificate %v\n", errMsg, privkey, pubkey) appExit(255) } else { return false } } return true } // get redis key func GetRedisKey(redisurl string, redistoken string) string { client := &http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", redisurl, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to read %v: %v\n", errMsg, redisurl, err) appExit(255) } req.SetBasicAuth("redis", redistoken) resp, err := client.Do(req) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to fetch %v\n", errMsg, redisurl) appExit(255) } defer resp.Body.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to read %v: %v\n", errMsg, redisurl, err) appExit(255) } return fmt.Sprintf(string(body)) } // get Vault key func GetVaultKey(vaulturl string, vaulttoken string) string { vaultClient := &http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", vaulturl, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to read %v: %v\n", errMsg, vaulturl, err) appExit(255) } req.Header.Add("X-vault-token", vaulttoken) resp, err := vaultClient.Do(req) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode > 299 { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to fetch %v\n", errMsg, vaulturl) appExit(255) } defer resp.Body.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to read %v: %v\n", errMsg, vaulturl, err) appExit(255) } return gjson.Get(string(body), "data.value").String() } // create directory structure and write certificate to file func WriteToFile(content string, destination string, filemode os.FileMode) { baseDir := filepath.Dir(destination) if _, err := os.Stat(baseDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0755) } file, err := os.OpenFile(destination, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, filemode) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v %v cannot be created\n", errMsg, destination) appExit(255) } fmt.Fprintf(file, "%v\n", content) file.Close() } // move temp file to destination func moveFile(source string, destination string, groupid int, filemode os.FileMode, dirmode os.FileMode) { baseDir := filepath.Dir(destination) if _, err := os.Stat(baseDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0755) } err := os.Rename(source, destination) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail to install %v: %v\n", errMsg, destination, err) appExit(255) } if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { err = os.Chown(destination, 0, groupid) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Changing file owner to %v", errMsg, groupid) appExit(255) } } fmt.Printf("%v installed: %v\n", infoMsg, destination) } // ReadOSRelease from /etc/os-release func ReadOSRelease(configfile string) map[string]string { ConfigParams := make(map[string]string) cfg, err := ini.Load(configfile) if err != nil { ConfigParams["ID"] = "unknown" } else { ConfigParams["ID"] = cfg.Section("").Key("ID").String() } return ConfigParams } func main() { OSInfo := ReadOSRelease("/etc/os-release") OSRelease := OSInfo["ID"] if OSRelease == "centos" || OSRelease == "rhel" { CertBase = "/etc/pki/tls/certs" KeyBase = "/etc/pki/tls/private" GroupName = "root" } else if OSRelease == "ubuntu" || OSRelease == "debian" { CertBase = "/etc/ssl/certs" KeyBase = "/etc/ssl/private" GroupName = "ssl-cert" } else if OSRelease == "arch" { CertBase = "/etc/ssl/certs" KeyBase = "/etc/ssl/private" GroupName = "root" } else if OSRelease == "unknown" { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { CertBase = "C:\\ACME\\certificates" KeyBase = "C:\\ACME\\private" GroupName = "root" } else { CertBase = "/etc/acme/certs" KeyBase = "/etc/acme/private" GroupName = "root" } } usage := fmt.Sprintf(`ACME Downloader: - fetches and stores a given Certificate, Full Chain, CA and Private Key Usage: acme-downloader --redis-token=REDISTOKEN --vault-token=VAULTTOKEN --cert-name=CERTNAME --team-name=TEAMNAME [--silent] [--days=DAYS] [--type=TYPE] [--cert-destination=CERTDESTINATION] [--fullchain-destination=FULLCHAINDESTINATION] [--key-destination=KEYDESTINATION] [--ca-destination=CADESTINATION] [--wildcard] acme-downloader -h | --help acme-downloader -v | --version acme-downloader -b | --build Options: -h --help Show this screen -v --version Print version information and exit -b --build Print version and build information and exit --redis-token=REDISTOKEN Redis access token --vault-token=VAULTTOKEN Vault access token --cert-name=CERTNAME Certificate name --team-name=TEAMNAME Team name: swd, it, ne, ti... --days=DAYS Days before expiration [default: 30] --type=TYPE Type, EV or OV [default: EV] --cert-destination=CERTDESTINATION Cert Destination [default: %v/<cert-name>.crt] --fullchain-destination=FULLCHAINDESTINATION Full Chain Destination[default: %v/<cert-name>_fullchain.crt] --key-destination=KEYDESTINATION Key Destination [default: %v/<cert-name>.key] --ca-destination=CADESTINATION CA Destination [default: %v/COMODO_<type>.crt] --wildcard The certificate type is wildcard `, CertBase, CertBase, KeyBase, CertBase) arguments, _ := docopt.Parse(usage, nil, true, appVersion, false) if arguments["--build"] == true { fmt.Printf("acme-downloader version: %v, built on: %v\n", appVersion, buildTime) appExit(0) } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { tmpCertificateDestination = "C:\\tmp\\acme-downloader\\cert\\amce_cert.pem" tmpFullchainDestination = "C:\\tmp\\acme-downloader\\cert\\amce_fullchain.pem" tmpCaDestination = "C:\\tmp\\acme-downloader\\cert\\amce_ca.pem" tmpKeyDestination = "C:\\tmp\\acme-downloader\\key\\amce_key.pem" GroupID = 0 // just a fake one } else { tmpCertificateDestination = "/tmp/acme-downloader/cert/amce_cert.pem" tmpFullchainDestination = "/tmp/acme-downloader/cert/amce_fullchain.pem" tmpCaDestination = "/tmp/acme-downloader/cert/amce_ca.pem" tmpKeyDestination = "/tmp/acme-downloader/key/amce_key.pem" group, groupErr := user.LookupGroup(GroupName) if groupErr != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Fail looking up %v user user info\n", errMsg, GroupName) appExit(255) } GroupID, _ = strconv.Atoi(group.Gid) } VaultToken := arguments["--vault-token"].(string) CertName := arguments["--cert-name"].(string) CertNameUnderscored := strings.Replace(CertName, ".", "_", -1) TeamName := arguments["--team-name"].(string) RedisToken := arguments["--redis-token"].(string) Type = arguments["--type"].(string) DayString := arguments["--days"].(string) Days, daysErr := strconv.Atoi(DayString) if daysErr != nil { fmt.Printf("%v Days mut be an integer\n", errMsg) appExit(255) } RedisBaseURL = "" VaultBaseURL = "" if arguments["--wildcard"] == true { VaultURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/common/vault_sectigo_ov_wildcard_%v_key", VaultBaseURL, TeamName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisCertURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:common:redis_sectigo_ov_%v_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisCAURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:common:redis_sectigo_ov_%v_chain_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisFullChainURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:common:redis_sectigo_ov_%v_fullchain_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertNameUnderscored) } else { VaultURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v/vault_%v_key", VaultBaseURL, TeamName, CertName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisCertURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:%v:redis_%v_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisCAURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:%v:redis_%v_chain_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertName, CertNameUnderscored) RedisFullChainURL = fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v:%v:redis_%v_fullchain_pem.txt", RedisBaseURL, TeamName, CertName, CertNameUnderscored) } if arguments["--cert-destination"] == fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, "<cert-name>.crt")) { certificateDestination = fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, fmt.Sprintf("%v.crt", CertName))) } else { certificateDestination = arguments["--cert-destination"].(string) } if arguments["--fullchain-destination"] == fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, "<cert-name>_fullchain.crt")) { fullchainDestination = fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, fmt.Sprintf("%v_fullchain.crt", CertName))) } else { fullchainDestination = arguments["--fullchain-destination"].(string) } if arguments["--ca-destination"] == fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, "COMODO_<type>.crt")) { caDestination = fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(CertBase, fmt.Sprintf("COMODO_%v.crt", Type))) } else { caDestination = arguments["--ca-destination"].(string) } if arguments["--key-destination"] == fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(KeyBase, "<cert-name>.key")) { keyDestination = fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(KeyBase, fmt.Sprintf("%v.key", CertName))) } else { keyDestination = arguments["--key-destination"].(string) } // check if there is a certificate installed and it is valid existingCert := checkCertificates(CertName, certificateDestination, fullchainDestination, caDestination, keyDestination, Days, false) existingKey := checkPrivkey(keyDestination, certificateDestination, false) if existingCert == true && existingKey == true { fmt.Printf("%v the certificate is still valid\n", infoMsg) appExit(0) } certificate := GetRedisKey(RedisCertURL, RedisToken) ca := GetRedisKey(RedisCAURL, RedisToken) fullChain := GetRedisKey(RedisFullChainURL, RedisToken) privKey := GetVaultKey(VaultURL, VaultToken) // download and test certificates on a temporary location WriteToFile(certificate, tmpCertificateDestination, 0644) WriteToFile(fullChain, tmpFullchainDestination, 0644) WriteToFile(ca, tmpCaDestination, 0644) WriteToFile(privKey, tmpKeyDestination, 0640) checkCertificates(CertName, tmpCertificateDestination, tmpFullchainDestination, tmpCaDestination, tmpKeyDestination, Days, true) checkPrivkey(tmpKeyDestination, tmpCertificateDestination, true) // move certificates in place moveFile(tmpCertificateDestination, certificateDestination, GroupID, 0644, 0755) moveFile(tmpFullchainDestination, fullchainDestination, GroupID, 0644, 0755) moveFile(tmpCaDestination, caDestination, GroupID, 0644, 0755) moveFile(tmpKeyDestination, keyDestination, GroupID, 0640, 0750) // Exit 64: it means that the certificate was replaced and the // application can be reloaded to make use of the new certificate appExit(64) }