#!/usr/bin/perl ## Initialize Rose::DB code given the DB structure use lib "/opt/testidp/IdPAccountManager/lib"; use lib "/opt/testidp/IdPAccountManager/conf"; use Rose::DB; use Rose::DB::Object::Loader; use Getopt::Long; use Conf; my %options; unless (&GetOptions(\%options, 'database=s')) { die "Unknown options."; } my $dbname = $options{'database'} || $Conf::global{'database_name'}; $loader = Rose::DB::Object::Loader->new( db_dsn => 'dbi:'.$Conf::global{'database_type'}.':dbname='.$dbname.';host='.$Conf::global{'database_host'}, db_username => $Conf::global{'database_user'}, db_password => $Conf::global{'database_password'}, db_options => { AutoCommit => 1, ChopBlanks => 1 }, class_prefix => 'IdPAccountManager::Data', #with_unique_keys => 0, ); $loader->make_modules(with_managers => 1, module_dir => '/tmp', #with_relationships => ['one to many','many to one'] ); printf "Database-related code created in /tmp/IdPAccountManager. You should copy this code in lib/ directory\n";