diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 65bfeb458bb3e8d4131a439e228708f87a25e749..b5ccdf6874f81aa018087142d010addfb4c43719 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,21 +15,31 @@ This is a web application developed in Perl, allowing SP admins to create test a
 It requires the following CPAN distributions:
 * Config-Tiny
-* Data-Dump
 * DateTime
 * Email-MIME
 * Email-Sender
 * List-MoreUtils
 * Locale-Maketext-Lexicon
 * Mojolicious
 * Mojolicious-Plugin-INIConfig
-* Mojolicious-Plugin-SelfIP
+* Mojolicious-Plugin-ClientIP
 * Mojolicious-Plugin-TemplateToolkit
 * Rose-DB-Object
 * Template-Toolkit
+Testing require the additional CPAN distributions:
+* HTML-Tidy5
+* IPC-Run
+* Test-Compile
+* Test-Exception
+* Test-Mojo-Role-SubmitForm
+* Test-Perl-Critic
+* Test-Pod
+* Test-Pod-Coverage
+* Test-Vars
+* UNIVERSAL-require
 Installation follows the usual autotools-based procedure:
 $> configure