diff --git a/bin/account-manager-client.pl b/bin/account-manager-client.pl
index 0d3cbf418eec4e7a729f0c117e8ddda2162848a6..fb8c0c050e84dbfc59b5451a6032b7c9dfa666cc 100755
--- a/bin/account-manager-client.pl
+++ b/bin/account-manager-client.pl
@@ -194,3 +194,56 @@ if ($options{'add_test_account'}) {
     die "Missing arguments";
+=head1 NAME
+IdPAccountManager::Tools - Command line client to the Test Account manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    ./bin/account-manager-client.pl --list_authentication_tokens
+The Test Account manager instanciates test accounts associated to a SAML Identity Provider.
+This script provides a command-line interface for most functions.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 8
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --add_test_account --account_profile=student1 --sp_entityid=https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource>
+Adds a new test account.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --list_test_accounts --sp_entityid=https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource --account_profile=student1>
+List all test accounts. Criterias can be added to filter test accounts.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --parse_federation_metadata>
+Parses the SAML metadata file, as defined by the C<federation_metadata_file_path> configuration parameter.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --list_authentication_tokens --sp_entityid=https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource --token=dhj67sjJ>
+List all authentication tokens. Criterias can be added to filter tokens.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --get_authentication_token --token=dhj67sjJ>
+Get informations on a token.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --add_authentication_token --email_address=john@my.fqdn --sp_entityid=https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource>
+Adds a new test account.
+=item C<account-manager-client.pl --send_notice ----email_address=john@my.fqdn>
+Sends a mail notice to the specified email address.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Olivier Salaün (olivier.salaun@renater.fr)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/IdPAccountManager/AuthenticationToken.pm b/lib/IdPAccountManager/AuthenticationToken.pm
index 4399f380a6b2ead2d80f9e6f0694310e278e96da..f26d3c62397b157eb75a4301a4653675bb64ac8f 100644
--- a/lib/IdPAccountManager/AuthenticationToken.pm
+++ b/lib/IdPAccountManager/AuthenticationToken.pm
@@ -139,10 +139,93 @@ IdPAccountManager::AuthenticationToken - Manage Authentication tokens used to va
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
+    my $authentication_token = new IdPAccountManager::AuthenticationToken(token => 'sdfkl4fslkj44');
+    unless ($authentication_token->load()) {
+        die "No corresponding token found in DB\n";
+    }
+    $authentication_token->print();
+The Test Account manager instanciates test accounts associated to a SAML Identity Provider.
+This module allows to manage authentication tokens to validate requestor identity.
+=over 8
+=item C<new ARGS>
+Class method. Create a new IdPAccountManager::AuthenticationToken object.
+    my $authentication_token = new IdPAccountManager::AuthenticationToken(token => 'sdfkl4fslkj44');
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<token>
+ID of the token.
+=item C<sp_entityid>
+EntityID (SAML ID) of the Service Provider associated to the authentication token.
+=item C<email_address>
+Email address of the user associated to the authentication token.
+=item C<delete>
+Deletes the token in the database.
+=item C<get> ATTR_NAME
+Returns the value of the specified ATTR_NAME attribute of the token.
+=item C<list_authentication_tokens ARGS>
+Class method. List all tokens in database.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<sp_entityid>
+Entityid of a SAML Service Provider to list only tokens linked to this Service Provider.
+=item C<token>
+ID of the tokens to list only those tokens.
+=item C<load>
+Loads the token from the database.
+=item C<print FD> 
+Dumps the content of the authentication token to the specified FD file handler (default to STDOUT)
+=item C<set ARGS>
+Sets token attributes in ARGS. 
+=item C<save>
+Save the token in the database.
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Olivier Salaün (olivier.salaun@renater.fr)
diff --git a/lib/IdPAccountManager/SAMLMetadata.pm b/lib/IdPAccountManager/SAMLMetadata.pm
index 8ca6632118400a87ba54d0b488b2097750af4120..cfddbb1fd2bb49811dc2e7111265d893b9a7c7f5 100644
--- a/lib/IdPAccountManager/SAMLMetadata.pm
+++ b/lib/IdPAccountManager/SAMLMetadata.pm
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ sub parse {
     return 1;
-## Print the content of a test account
+## Dumps the SAML metadata content
 sub print {
     my $self = shift;
     my $fd = shift || \*STDOUT;
@@ -304,14 +304,76 @@ __END__
 =head1 NAME
-SAMLMetadata - Perl module loading SAML federation metadata
+SAMLMetadata - loading SAML federation metadata
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
+    my $federation_metadata = new IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata;
+    unless ($federation_metadata->load(federation_metadata_file_path => '/tmp/edugain-saml-metadata.xml')) {
+        die;
+    }
+    my %args;
+    if ($options{'sp_entityid'}) {
+        $args{'filter_entity_id'} = $options{'sp_entityid'};
+    }
+    unless ($federation_metadata->parse(sp_entityid => 'https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource')) {
+        die;
+    }
+    ## List SAML entities
+    printf "Hashref representing the metadata:\n";
+    &IdPAccountManager::Tools::dump_var($federation_metadata->{'federation_metadata_as_hashref'}, 0, \*STDOUT);
+The Test Account manager instanciates test accounts associated to a SAML Identity Provider.
+This module parses a SAML2 metadata file.
+=over 8
+=item C<new ARGS>
+Class method. Create a new IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata object.
+    my $federation_metadata = new IdPAccountManager::SAMLMetadata;
+=item C<load ARGS>
+Loads the SAML metadata file.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<federation_metadata_file_path>
+Path of the SAML metadata file.
+=item C<parse ARGS>
+Parse the SAML metadata file.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<filter_entity_id>
+EntityID of SAML entities to filter.
+=item C<print FD> 
+Dumps the content of the SAML metadata to the specified FD file handler (default to STDOUT)
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Olivier Salaün (olivier.salaun@renater.fr)
diff --git a/lib/IdPAccountManager/TestAccount.pm b/lib/IdPAccountManager/TestAccount.pm
index b052b837f113ac4f64986a7b38999e726933cdbb..f36e78484a030e7449bf8245a9b049f68f8e650e 100644
--- a/lib/IdPAccountManager/TestAccount.pm
+++ b/lib/IdPAccountManager/TestAccount.pm
@@ -146,10 +146,99 @@ IdPAccountManager::TestAccount - Manage test user accounts for the Test Identity
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
+  my $test_account = new IdPAccountManager::TestAccount(account_profile => 'student1',
+                                                      sp_entityid => 'https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource');
+  unless (defined $test_account) {
+    die "Failed to create test account";
+  }
+  unless ($test_account->save()) {
+    die "Failed to create test account";
+  }
+  printf "Account created:\n\tuserid: user%d\n\tpassword: %s\n", $test_account->get('id'), $test_account->get('user_password');
+The Test Account manager instanciates test accounts associated to a SAML Identity Provider.
+This module allows to manage the test accounts.
+=over 8
+=item C<new ARGS>
+Class method. Create a new IdPAccountManager::TestAccount object.
+    my $test_account = new IdPAccountManager::TestAccount(account_profile => 'student1',
+                                                          sp_entityid => 'https://test.federation.renater.fr/test/ressource');
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<account_profile>
+ID of the account profile to be used.
+=item C<sp_entityid>
+EntityID (SAML ID) of the Service Provider associated to the test account.
+=item C<create_test_accounts_for_sp ARGS>
+Class method. Create test accounts for supported account profiles.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<sp_entityid>
+EntityID (SAML ID) of the Service Provider associated to the test account.
+=item C<delete>
+Deletes the test account in the database.
+=item C<get> ATTR_NAME
+Returns the value of the specified ATTR_NAME attribute of the test account.
+=item C<list_test_accounts ARGS>
+Class method. List all test accounts in database.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<sp_entityid>
+Entityid of a SAML Service Provider to list only test accounts linked to this Service Provider.
+=item C<account_profile>
+Test account profile to list only test accounts linked based on this profile.
+=item C<print FD> 
+Dumps the content of the test account to the specified FD file handler (default to STDOUT)
+=item C<save>
+Save the test account in the database.
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Olivier Salaün (olivier.salaun@renater.fr)
diff --git a/lib/IdPAccountManager/Tools.pm b/lib/IdPAccountManager/Tools.pm
index 190e44da39907d3fad1aa72a2826b8b51dffda20..9972b74efdc4ab2f78902b5ece948addf2e8606c 100644
--- a/lib/IdPAccountManager/Tools.pm
+++ b/lib/IdPAccountManager/Tools.pm
@@ -263,14 +263,73 @@ __END__
 =head1 NAME
-IdPAccountManager::Tools - Set of subroutines usefull for the Account manager
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
+IdPAccountManager::Tools - Set of subroutines usefull for the Test Account manager
+The Test Account manager instanciates test accounts associated to a SAML Identity Provider.
+This module gathers a set of usefull subroutines.
+=over 8
+=item C<dump_var ($var, $level, $fd)>
+Dumps a complex perl data structure. $var is a reference to the variable to dump. $level should be set to 0 (subroutine called recursively). $fd is the file descriptor for the output (default is STDOUT). 
+=item C<do_log ($level, $message)>
+Write $message to the log file. $level sets the log level (debug, info, trace, notice, error).
+=item C<encode_utf8 ($string)>
+Return a UTF8 encoded version of $string.
+=item C<escape_xml ($string)>
+Escape XML chars in $string.
+=item C<generate_password>
+Returns a random password following some security guidelines.
+=item C<mail_notice (ARGS)>
+Send a mail notice.
+Supported arguments include:
+=over 12
+=item C<template>
+TT2 mail template to parse.
+=item C<to>
+Destination email address.
+=item C<data>
+A hashref with parameters used to parse the mail template.
+=item C<qencode ($string)>
+Retunrs a Q-encoded version of $string.
+=item C<sha256_hash ($string)>
+Returns a SHA256 hash for $string.
+=item C<update_ssp_authsources>
+Update simpleSAMLphp authsources.php configuration file with the currently valid test accounts.
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Olivier Salaün (olivier.salaun@renater.fr)